
Thursday, December 24, 2015


Bismillah, alhamdulillah.. 

hi people. assalamualaikum,.

siapakah yang bila jauh dirindui tapi bila dekat dicakari, digaduhi etc ?

" family "

not really

to be exact

your siblings 

"and I know when the hotline blink" ~ tiba tiba

as for me, yeah I can have a really bad mood swing sampai aku sendiri pun tak tahu aku nak apa and I was like leave me alone till I refresh my brain with some pretty good awesome sleep (( overly describing tidur yang I should have bcs lately I insomnia ))

so at this point lah. aku nak share tips sikit to handle this kind ( very degil virus ) of people

bila aku tengah mood swing,, means that I stress ke, tetiba nangis homesick or tetiba je gila or apa apa je la .... menari ye ye o je. ( padahal aku selalu tido je) so thats all the hint that aku memerlukan perhatian 
*desperate tahap dewa *

mungkin sebab aku ter.. TERlalu penat buat something tapi aku rasa tak dihargai.. macam orang tak care. so aku start moody. so, what you should do is, try to sit right next to me and ask me, okey ke? need help..? 

or you just listen to me crying like berakhirnya kehidupan ini padahal............. ok?
actually, maybe sometime i just need to have heart to heart conversation... tu je..

ni je, boleh buat I sayang you even more. haha

tapi satu je pantang tok nenek spesis aku ni...

Never  text me with something like...

trying to explain the misunderstanding and keep saying that you're innocent (trust me it will gets even worse)

trying to claim that you're right ( my bad ,I'm ego person somehow if you're really wrong )

dont try to be sarcastic with me because I will definitely cut you with my words later on. 


what you actually should do is, try to face me. and explain. but make sure, that Im in a good mood..

or whenever I try to do nice things to you (because I usually will forget our argument after I hibernated myself) pls, don't act silly because I will automatically refresh my brain and remember our argument and will TRY to avoid you forever . well, I can.

I'm not really sure about your gloomy day.. but if you're not having a good luck.. you'll meet someone with a horrible mood swing.. and I'm one of it..

paling penting ... "they said don't act like a botch because someone can be bitcher than you "

so awak awak awak dan saya

be kind and have courage. ok . muah ciked. 

assalamualaikum *tak berapa nak ilmiah sangat sebab tengah takda mood* 

p/s: aku tak marah sangat pun, tapi bila diapi apikan ni,, tak marah juga... cuma idgaf  omputeh kata..
orang kedah kata buat dek
the end.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

mak, nak nikah?!


Bismillah, Alhamdulillah.
hye gais
assalamualaikum....hmmm ala, at the age , newly adolescent ni memang gini la, well.. hormon baru nak acah acah stabil, ((belum stabil lagi)) umur ciksal , ehemm next year I'll be 20. seriously 20 kot. I can't believe this ! cepat nya membesar, like yesterday ciksal masak meggi tepi rumah bakar daun kering untuk buat unggun api and now mama selalu guna ayat ni "esok lusa nak bulih laki".. (ameennn) kata kata ibu itu doa . hehe

dalam umur yang tengah banyak sangat dreaming, fantasi semua ni... getting married is always on the top five list. hah ! tahu gatal. nak buat camna. ok la tu.. :P
if you're in my shoes, awak pun nak juga... ye lah.. dalam family... engkau je terkontang kanting (haha takdalaaaaaaa, ) i mean, yang dah kawin lah..obviously they're having beautiful babies.... nak juga ..uwarghhh

kawin tu,, honestly for me is like berjudi nasib...you'll never know how it will be... berlayar di lautan kan... berombak.. will you reach the destination *jannah* insyaaAllah or will it crashed *nau'zubillahiminzalik*

so, bila tengok movie, cerita sweettttt cangat... eh. rasa nak kawen... la la tu jugak.. ai gedik nau..tapi, bila tengok berita*truestory* takut pulak, kawin megah-megah pun cerai, muka segak segak pun cerai..apatah lagi makhluk yang biasa biasa ni. hmm sendu jap. jadi tertutup lah seketika niat nak nikoh awal. konon nak enjoy single life dulu.....tapi kejap je la... pastu meroyan balik... sigh...

so, do I deserve a MARRIAGE LIFE?

tepuk kepala takut masuk air.

mari sini
1. agama ada dalam hati? kalau solat pun malas, what do you expect to have a happy marriage?

2.dah jadi anak soleh? nak ke anak macam #fdhajsk?

3.dah boleh bertolak ansur? (barang kita pun kedekut piang nak share....)

4.boleh tinggal tidur yang lena?

hmmm.. malas nak list out soalan banyak banyak... balik balik aku je baca blog ni.. hahahah..
bukan apa laaaa.. im not having a husband yet.. tapi dah belajar jaga baby akak aku since he was so small...and red *awww i miss the moment...eventho bukan 24/7 pun... i feel the pain...beautiful pain..wahahah.. best ada anak..but its tiring somehow.. but to have a look at their first baby step..rasa bertuahh sangat awak. alhamdulillah

P/s :hye future, I'm hoping for you to come into my life at the righteous moment and I hope that I deserve to be your queen and princess at the same time. 


Thursday, November 5, 2015


Bismillah, Alhamdulillah.

Hye guys, its rare to see me updating my blogs since I don't have the internet connection :')


so uolls sihat ke?
I okey , alhamdulillah.

duduk rumah sampai cincin kat jari tengah tu kena cari jari lain - dah gemok mok mok-
but jari je lah. aherherher.

so bila balik rumah ni, everyone dah shuffled bilik, and then I noticed that setiap bilik memiliki 'khazanah nasional' .
(kalau ikut hati -mati-) tapi kalau ikut hati I ni uolls, rasa nak buang je. haha. tido atas lantai ok what?

I ada siblings yang MasyaaAllah ramai ( so I'm listed under calon must have zaujah ...opss ) ok lawak hambar jap.

I ada banyak siblings. let say la, I sorang boleh ada wardrobe sampai approximately 200 helai.  so can you imagine banyak mana baju.

nak buang sayang. of course la.
nak simpan (bukan benci) but limited space.

nak jual, a few je boleh jual macam baju kurung. 
tapi takkan baju tshirt pun nak jual, ahhh nonsense babe.


any idea ?

with love

Friday, October 2, 2015

a new but about to close chapter

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah. 
hye peeps,

tajuk terlalu berpuitis up till korang faham maksudnya, but not the hidden meaning i guess.

yknow, some people said that love is blind . First love . Love for appearance and whatever love is for you.

some people fall in love, some relationship up till marriage however some get a little heart broken,. sigh... its either being cheated on, you're cheating or just you're not destined to be together.
I'm not saying that God isn't fair, but this is how things go.
Everything happened for a reason

when you're just break up, what do you expect. maksud saya berapa lama kan orang ambil to recover,. For me, it really needs a long time. yelah, to build up trust balik,. unless la you don't have a really big attachment to your ex.
some said that one year is a long enough to recover.
well I don't have comment about this.

nature feelings is to be love. That's being fated. However it is our own freedom to keep it within boundary.

Yknow, I have a story to tell. a friend of mine which I really close to.

we're bestfriend and she always tell me everything. I'll summarize you the story.

once, she felt in love with a guy. a really tall guy and have the other lovely characteristics that she wished for.

Both of them are so lovely la, like yknow sorang panjang, sorang pendek.
Tapi lepas diorang habis sekolah, they only have the textarelationship.
meeting once if I'm not mistaken. tu pun masa reunion and the next day tu.

then, both of them masuk u. oh not to forget, that guy dalam persediaan ke oversea, while my friend just in Malaysia . Yknow, the distance should tied the bond right. as the idioms says that absent makes the heart go fonder.


tapi based on my bff punya story, their relationship doesn't went well.
they got broke up.
kesian my bff, she was so heart broken habis.
siang malam pagi petang.
tapi dia cuba accept sebab that guy said, it was because the religion.
yela. zina.

couldn't deny that fact, my bff started to revert to islam, I mean dia memang islam tapi try to get to know about islam deeper.

dia masuk satu society which make hati dia terpukul dengan ayat ayat Allah

terpukul jiwa dia, susah dia nak menghafal pelajaran. she wasted her time.

tapi dia selalu pujuk hati dia, some advises from us juga, kitorang kata, its okay to break up because of Allah, years of waiting won't be useless, its gonna worth your sacrifices.

so, she ended up getting better. for some moment, yelah dia bagitahu that she missed him. for me, its not wrong la. normal but try to not to.

bukan senang nak buang someone yang you're attached to

lepastu, she received a text from her friends yang satu  kolej with that guy. guess what.. that guy already in relationship with other girl..

my bff ni takdala terus assume, dia minta bukti la tapi serious sedih aku tengok dia.
in the end she texted that guy, setelah lama gila diorang tak text, konon bagi ruang to that guy nak berubah. lahai. 

and... that guy mengaku.. he got into his current relationship just about a few days. wt...

maka apa lagi, mengalirla sungai ..

my bff ni frust gila aa sampai rasa useless .. bayangkan she really into that guy and willing to wait kot. hmm memang quite stupid la that guy.

tapi its okay, she's getting better.
happy kot dengan kengkawan yang gila.
diri dia sendiri pun dah gila
maka mereka pun berhuhuhu
the geram part is when I caught herself scrolling that guy's life.

without hesitation, I blocked that guy...since diorang dah takda apa apa. and laki tu suruh dia cari someone else...
just like that hahah. apa lah..
 the end. ahaha
long after that dia dah okay, dah maafkan that guy cuma minta meet up because she really wanted to bagi balik barang2 laki tu

the worrying part is she was sick, maybe sebab too much dhukka sebelum tu..
so immunity drop la kot

kitorang risau, dia pun risau.

well, Im hoping the best for her.

May her greatest fairy tale exist...in the righteous way (marriage)



Friday, September 11, 2015


Bismillah, Alhamdulillah.
Assalamualaikum. hye guys, it has been a really long time meh. nothing new from me ( perhaps someone is waiting for my update, LOL ! ) 

estado, I just google translate it okey, estado means status in spanish.

so what kind of new entry I'm up to :)


sounds so gedik like whatever people dun care about my statusbut somehow just wanna share that I'm waiting for that one-prince-of-mine-that-i-dont-know-him-yet

why am I trying to say is actually there are few people asking about my status life like "hey kenapa kakak tak kawen dengan ustaz saya je, mesti dia bagi buat program ni lama lama"- a tingkatan 2 punya budak from a program recently

"akak dah pakai cincin, akak dah kahwin eh?" 7 years old kid

"mana satu abang (suami) akak ? " 9years old

and even the Doctor yang jaga I sepanjang I get some treatment pun tanya about cincin.
"awak bercincin ni dah bertunang ker?"



saya tak bertunang pun. cincin ni mak saya belikan untuk hakak saya, tapi dia dah gemok jadi tak muat. dia kasi saya. saya pakai. I'm not that kind of mami jarum person la. I pakai je yang mana ada.

seriously tak da apa apa maksud pun. kemon gais, emas tu kan perhiasan wanita dan memandangkan saya tak suka subang dan gelang saya pakailah cincin.

lagi satu,
saya masih menunggu.

hahaha gedik betul. bukan apa tulis juga entry gedik ni. sebab kalau simpan sorang sorang asyik nak ketawa fikirkan persoalan orang. 
okey nanti orang kata saya gila pula..

I masih waras.


till then peep


#itunggucincin :'')

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

MY MOLE Part 1

Bismillah Alhamdulillah
Assalamualaikum. Hellowww gais

why dengan mole I,.?

I guess semua yang kenal I dah familiar dengan the existence of a big sweet mole on my face. Tapi now, its gone. So there's a lot of wild speculation. -.- katanya I did a facial treatment (( laser i guess)) . come on la guess, laser tu kalau I buat, I won't be suffering for about a month with that ugly scar. 

Ok so, wth is going on *cewah* kemain nak dehel dehel bagai. 

so percita toqq.

last month yeah approximately 40 days ago ((June)) . I had enjoy my holidays ((supposedly to enjoy those past 3 weeks)) unfortunately, I did enjoyed only 4 days. hah... kenapa?

Its my routine to kerja dengan mama bila cuti semester and bila balik rumah I did played with my naughty nephew, akil.
so, the same things I did on the forth day. ((which I had my vocal on and sang Oppa Gangnam Style)) Yeah, he danced and I don't even realized that he was about to fall and suddenly he scratched my ((not so fair)) face. I got two scars on my face. one on my forehead and another one is on my upper lips ((my mole to be exact)) .

the mole was bleeding heavily. bapak sakit. Pergh. and I just buat tak tahu je. sebab according to my previous experience, my mole only took 3 days to recover to its normal shape and size. so no worry I said.

I just leave it alone *yeke* ok tipu. masa I at my hometown. biasalah. pishang sangat kot. wifi((kabel kena curi..ish takgunelaaaa))
so I did watched "hati perempuan" the only channel that seems to make sense at that particular time.

while so pishang and got nothing to do. tangan kanan I ni adalah melakukan tugasan merunas (( garu garu kat tempat tahi lalat tu sebab keras gila. tak selesa like seriously macam kudis .eww))

so, it was quite fine like ah lega gila. haha. macam buang kudis la rasanya. ((jerawat pun aku picit))

so, " MAMAAAAA...!!" 

bleeding duh and guess what tertanggal aaa kudis tu. and seriosly my face looks so clean without my mole and its kinda really weird. so basuh la muka I.

pastu ma kata, okey chill nanti tumbuh balik (( omaigod mama, ia kena pulih before adik masuk cfs balik .huawarghh seteress))

so, I did claimed sedikit pampasan daripada my beloved sister atas tindakan puteranya mensabotaj tahi lalatku, so dia rasa bersalah gila gila and dia beli ubat bapak banyak la.

((hiruscar, cream apa ntah lagi))

so, I did apply them unfortunately , those different products have different chemical and of course reaction did occur on my face. Naahai  my face is getting worse la like hari hari I kena clean up my face from those kudis yang muncul. Malu nya time tu nak keluar rumah. Hmm malu la

memandangkan cuti semester dah nak habis (( 4 days lagi kot)) and muka pun tak helok lagik. aku bertafakur jap.

so takpa stop ubat jap. tangan ni yang selalu online, gigih cari laman web ((how to remove the mole)) sebab tekad sangat da. dah kena infection semua. I don't think that I have guts to let the mole worsen my face.

hmm jumpala. misalnya sabun baju + kapur sireh = really acidic thingy yang buang tahi lalat secara kejam ((but i guess this is tooo risky))

sapu madu kat muka ((but muka rasa melekik and I tak suka ))

and akhirnya ku decided to just use the garlic *bawang putih and tempek dekat bekas tahi lalat tu*

"... time pakai tu, hmmmmm zzzzpppp pedih gila.  Jumped out of my bed and straightly go to the toilet and wash my face. ah tak tahan surrender..."

so pergi jela cfs dengan muka yang separuh kudis tu.,
kebetulan kunci bilik tak dapat lagi, buddies aku ajak outing. so ngikut jela walaupun tak berapa nak rela sebab kudis di muka. ((dalam otak ligat fikir nak beli makeup nak cover parut))

sampai je kat mall masuk aeon dulu la, okeh survey produk muka,. tanya diorang apa yang elok, one did said yang consealler *apa apa jela ejaan dia* elok nak cover scar. tetiba kekna cakap, sal its too risky to cover up the scar with make up because you're exposing it to new infection. gulp. okey. terus cancel. but dalam hati ni ligat bermonolog nak beli produk apa.

eh penat lesu plak. nantila eh sambung

Friday, July 10, 2015


Bismillah Alhamdulillah .Assalamualaikum and happy day peeps.

whatcha doing? sihat sihat ke?
so glad that I'm going back to my hometown today. Yeah ! Like finally, I'm going back home :)

*after almost 2 months*
gedik ngadu.

going for holidays ni best but there are 2 worst part of it. Firstly, packing and unpacking things. Secondly, hardest goodbye at the end of holidays.

btw setiap pertemuan there's always perpisahan. what to do eh...

while typing this entry, masyaaAllah my compartment doesn't look like one at all.
there are only some small path for me to walk from my bed to the door.

Homeworks. Clothes. All being scattered around. I really need husband yang pembersih sangat one day. HAHA 

Its tiring thoooo, washing clothes. *to be exact a bucket of* Gambang seems to be very hot like we really need to take bath almost 3 times per day. 

Looking at the mountain of works to bring back home and I'm certainly sure that I'm not gonna touch them at all.. ((still bringing them back home to avoid any guilty feeling))

*just tambah berat ja* 

but that's not my point lah updating this new entry, 

Somehow, I just wanna say I'm sorry for all my wrong doings, and many more ((annoying-ness, baran-ness what-so-ever lah))

so, zero zero eh. selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.


much love. do click all the three advertisements as you're helping gaining some money

adios . assalamualaikum. take care fella

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Mr cucumber

hey there... 
do you ever have a thought before you come out with your decision?
have you thought about me?
about how am I gonna break into tiny pieces?
I guess you don't.

hey you.
Although that I know that you won't make a move here
you won't take this and digest them
but I'm still typing them,
my hidden words.
that buried inside my soul.

hey you, 
was it easy for you?
was it easy to create excuses?
was it just my dream?
If so, I guess its a long dream
Long night with some nightmare ending.

hey you,
so how is that girl huh?
bet that she's much better than me
sorry that I can't always be great
I have my bad side.
you can't accept it.
can't deny the fact
I'm a normal human being
but to me,
you was superhuman
you was perfect

hey you, 
what are the plans you wanna create with her in future?
the same one we did?
or so much more powerful promises?
oh did I forgot to say that you are indebtedness
with whom?
its me..
your broken promises

never mind, I'll throw them anyway 
I'm strong enough to resist I guess

so, here it is.
happy ending for you
and so much more lovely starting for me

have a bless from God :)

Friday, June 19, 2015


assalamualaikum people !

how are youuu? Omaigodz it has been so long I didn't update you guys anything on here.
well, I am enjoying myself as a walking death .

so, today is the second ramadhan and I hope that it is not too late for me to wish you guys ramadhan kareem :)

"wallahu akram"

p/s : when someone wish you ramadhan kareem which means that ramadhan is full with glory, you should reply them with wallahu akram which means that Allah is the most glorious. Subhanallah, Arabic language is such a perfect language ever as it keeps on praising the Almighty God.

"wonder if I could be able to be fluent in this language.-.- so sad because I'm kinda that "hardworking" ..."

so people all over the world. how do you celebrated your first ramadhan...? *perhaps this won't be our last ramadhan but we'll never know when we're gonna die, so make it very meaningful like it will be our last ramadhan ,insyaaAllah.


honestly, being far away from family during ramadhan literally killing me, I feel like I'm so a baby who need mommy and daddy.

enjoying my sahur at 4.30 am......

waiting for maghrib call........

dup dup dup

taraaaa.!! I did it.

and can you guess the activities that we can do during ramadhan and perhaps that we could be able to continue that 'ibadah's during the other months as well.

so let's list some of the activities.
  • tadarus al-Quran
  • solat tarawih
  • qiamullail
  • tadabur al quran
  • fasting is a must okayy
these are the examples and you can have more and more ibadah. :)

so,I'm kinda speechless. nothing to say. Annyeong !

adios guys.

enjoy your ramadhan....

assalamualaikum.. :)

sharing is caring. if you have any idea regarding on activities that we could do during this holy month, kindly drop down your wonderful comment .:)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wardrobe sale

assalamualaikum and hello my cute reader *if there's a reader* 

how are  youuu? Me? definitely alhamdulillah I'm fine but I don't think that I could be okay since my holidays are about to end soon. T.T

so what did I do during this 3weeks holidays...?

Holidays? no no no. definitely no. Everyone is busy and I'm the only one yang mereput just like menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba. 

So I did go to work, *with my mom but it only last for 4days. hehehe

so, instead of just being a babysitter for my nephew, I've started a mini project with my best buddy.
we're are about to let go our old clothes since we have a lot of collection ...* well girl kan suka shopping, Ladydini is excluded okay * ((just in case you're reading this))

soooooooo gaiss

Log into your instagram acc



well the prices are soooo cool and good like you can negotiate with us if you buy more.


enjoy shopping !!

perhaps we'll might be doing some competition this coming end of the year :)

gracias for following 

but all the items only ,ONLY can be posted in Malaysia.

not to forget this is only the preloved online shop :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


It's been so long
waiting for you to turn around.
kneeling on the ground
praying that you'll see
that I'm the only one who give you the very best of me

Trying to accept the fate
but I know how it feels
it kills me every second of my breath
I can't take it no more.

dealing with the fate
trying to fix the broken future
my broken wings
my broken heart
almost paralyzed
can't be rational
can't think no more

the heart say yes but my mind say no
they said I'm crazy for staying here
waiting for some miracle to happen
though I know the possibility is a major no.

Telling the God 
the worst feelings I had
Tell Him the pain that He could take it back
but this feelings is right
it won't vanish
just not the right time
Ask myself if I could wait
and they say yes

I'm gonna wait.
till the right time
the right feelings still here right in the heart
you're the right one
the right one

Baby when everything is okay
when all the things are fine
when all the set up is ready
Please comeback 
so we can do it all over again
I promise we'll make it right


Friday, May 1, 2015

Discussion : Borrow someone's belonging

bismillah, alhamdulillah

Heyya people.

assalamualaikum so how was your weekdays? Mine? Oh gosh. Indescribable. Such a hectic nak mateyyyyy

Well, yeah, setiap kesusahan pasti didatangi kemudahan atau hikmah yang indah.
Just like you'll have the beautiful rainbow right after the rain 

and the greatest hikmah is no more test after this but surely I'll be sitting for my final the next two weeks. * I hope you guys will pray for my friends and I so that Allah will ease our journey *

When there's a meeting between people, surely there will be a farewell. obviously, farewell is quite cruel as it will take someone that you used to close with an etc but this shows us nothing last forever except Him, Allah the Almighty . Yeah. Subhanallah. sort of ustazah pilihan :*.

so when it comes to the end of semester, the cliche things that people would do including me is we would like to apologies for our mistakesSsSs and we would like to ask if we had something undone with anyone such as borrowed money without even paying them, borrow spoon *eh?* or what ever it is. 

Well, this for the berkat in our lifespan. You know it's no good when you are owing something with people because it will be questioned in the hereafter.

There are really long verses in al-Quran describing about "HUTANG // BORROWING// OWING **dan seangkatan dengannya*

which explain the very detail about what we should do during the process of owing with somebody .
The process is so perfect. Allah's law. Subhanallah.


But somehow, the existence of a human like me, who are always shy and too lazy to collect back my money or my belongings until the debtor remember it by themselves. Because I don't want people to call me kedekut taik hidung masam masin or berkira gila kita rapat kot or what ever-.-

Unfortunately this habit kills me, kills my budget, kills my purse and kills my parents' wealth T.T
Always end up by sokeyyy, they probably forget it. maybe they'll remember in future .........in future......in future.....

But at one point when I'm damn desperate, I just tell them quickly within 3 days to have my things back. because if it is more than 3 days or more than that..... erm.. I just assume that maybe the way I'm gaining the money is not in the right way, and Allah wants to remove that un-berkat things from me insyaaAllah.

or, I should remind myself that, all the money of mine is not totally mine.,

However, I dislike that kind of people who borrow my THINGS, but they don't return it back. Like come on,,,,, I need it back. the worst part is if they lost it . I will totally explode and like I wanna kill that person. Luckily I cold down easily. I just no need to see that person's face for a while or I'll kick her/his knee. I value things. every single things have their own sentimental values.

I'm not perfect and you know you're not too.. LOL

so, I might be that kind of peole who forgot about the hutangsss. For the current moment. I owe from 2 people for food and tudung. 
I'll pay you back. I wrote them in my book. Don't worry I'll pay you.
If I did forget about any hutang. Pls remind me. I'm fine.


means that dia selalu senyap je kalau pinjam duit or barang kita, kita anggap tak kisah sebab kawan. tapi kalau lama lama macam nyampah juga sebab bila kita pinjam duit dia, ingat seringgit dua tu dia tak kisah sebab kawan kan. tapiiiii tak, kedekut gila boleh jadi the next two three years pun dia ingat lagi meskipun hutang kau lima duit .... sigh.. anggap sajalah sedekah. It won't be that bad setakat below than hundred. 

Jenis pinjam barang orang tak pulang pulang pun annoying gila.dah la barang dia kedekut. barang kita nak pulak ye. satu lagi kalau pinjam barang orang tu jaga laaaaa baik baik -.- Be responsible la sikittttttt.. 


maaf atas carutan dalam coretanku. sesungguhnya aku ingin menyatakan setiap manusia have their own limit baby. 
but truly, kalau kau besties aku, I tak kisah sebab aku pun selalu pau korang gak. btw we all have the limits. I don't really mind if I anak jutawan bangsawan kayawan duit taktahwan. but I don't. Just a normal people. so... consider me.

#tapi kalau aku pinjam duit kau seringgit dua tu kau tak kisah, honestly kau nak pinjam 50 pun aku tak berkira la, sebab kawan always there to help you. tapi kalau kita kedekut, tapi barang orang kita nak, susah dik nak hidup.. Life is about give and take.#

Do click the advertisements takda malware spyware and so what ever pun. semua berdaftar :)

Friday, April 24, 2015


hey there,
I wonder if ever anything would bring you over here.
how's your life?
is it feels good?
or much better back then?

writing this because you know exactly how I feel..
How I can just have the conversation in my mind...
How I just have tiny line between your life and mine?
I just can scroll over the screen
keep the conversations save in the hard disk
Printed out all the pictures..
keeping all the things in the box.
I guess I should keep my mind instead,.

I wish my mind have the delete button.
and the rewind button stop functioning
It's not because I'm regretting 
but it's because I feel the pain.
the pain that I have to make myself realize that I can't even call you mine.

I thought that you already had totally erase my data in your big head
being blind from seeing me
or I'm just the one who turns to an invisible girl
well,I guess I was wrong this time
I know you're still looking at my profile back then
still looking at the texts that you kept with no reply,

Well, I'm kidding, 
this is just my imagination that I put my hopes on,
But it's happening inversely 
You know, you're on my mind like I really wanna erase you by distracting myself 
Trying to join my friends talking about others,
avoid listening to our lovely songs,
favorite movies and colors

I have done everything to erase the data,
somehow the more I'm deleting, you keep appearing in my dream
still mentioning your name in my prayer, man
because I don't even know how to skip your name and your family.
I prefer to pray alone where I can cry to God 
to express everything I keep inside,
even-though I know He knows everything.

the latest dream was 2 days ago.
I was thinking that you're forgetting my birthday.
but I received a card in my dream

"I don't forget about you.. " with our favorite number.
Woke up with sweat because I was so shocked. 
It was just a dream

Hey there you beautiful creature,
I know both of us at our own turning point
Maybe I couldn't reach this to you,
but if you did .
if you manage to come over here.
Note that , you need to come back when all the things are right
When the things are ready
because you know how the heart wants what it wants.

come back when you're ready.
Not sure about me in future.
because my expectation always wrong.
Like I did on our future.

even if you're not with me one day, May Allah grand you with the best person because you deserve.

I once told you that, love is about sacrifices and now I'm showing you how to do it

If you ever feel alone. Talk to God. I'm doing the same things too.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Bismillah Alhamdulillah
Assalamualaikum and hello peeps.. 
Nowadays, we always keep sharing all the information that we gained. Yes, that's good. Pretty sure that everyone will participate in this 'sharing event' because we want people around us to keep updated. 

News, religions, politics, entertainments, sports and etc, are the frequently issues shared by us through many ways ; twitter, Facebook, Whats-app and even Blogging * Like what am I doing right now*
the only thing that we need to do is click the share button, and yeah, the issue appears on your timeline and public are able to read them and even share them to their circles of friend.

What made me came out with this tips is because I feel so sad to see my own nation being fragmented by the information that they actually gained randomly without doing any research about the actual declaration from the authority involved. *telan bulat bulat atau percaya seketoi-seketoi orang kedah kata*

since people are getting so excited to share the 'current news' 
Let's discuss what are the steps to be taken before....we spread the news

So, what we should do before we click the share button? the copy button or before we have faith with the statements or news?*then we start to give the argument to others confidently*


here, I would like to share some knowledge that I actually gain from a valid resource  [computing essentials 2015 by Timothy J. O'Leary/ Linda I.O'Leary /Daniel A. O'Leary]
*and I did some additional verb and explanation in order to avoid you from being sleepy*

we already know that our world now is just about one click. One click and you'll have million of related search in just 0.02 seconds. Crazy right?

we all know that search engine are the excellent tools to locate the information on the web. We just need to click some keyword then, they will provide you with the related links.

However, we can't rely 100% on the information that we gain on the internet. WHY?

Because everyone is allow to publish anything, ANYTHING on the internet,...not all the information that you gain in the internet is according to the strict guideline to ensure the accuracy...No they don't.

Most of them are just based on their opinion, their what-if assumption, their gossips, their emotion     * just like my blog*

There are a lot of site which allow anonymous to post anything on their site such as Wikipedia.org .

how to make sure that the content is valid? 
We must know how to filter the content by using this four step in evaluating content :
  • Authority
Do you really know the author?you know me?  *unless you're the community around me-.-*so ask yourself. does the author an expert in the subject area. [example: should a fisherman talk about research on economies? yeah he can, but will people have full faith on his statement? definitely not. It's not because he is just a fisherman. open your eyes. what I mean is, this is not his expert subject..so people won't believe.]
 Is that site is an official site or it just individual's personal website like me? *who always share unrelated things which come randomly..*
  • Accuracy
Even if the website is an official one, they still will have some false fact. Because it's only a normal human being who authored the official website. They might gave some false information. However, this information can be corrected whenever they share their contact information which we can ask them if there are any questions to be argue.

Has the information been critically review for correctness prior to posting on the web? Does the website provide a method to report inaccurate information to the author? Ask yourself.
  • Objectivity
This is the important part which we should identify before we strictly believe it. This is the main reasons why people are blaming each other. Irresponsible author usually spread bad news in order to destroy someone's career and more. As the "smart reader", we should take note on this. Is the information is a factually reported or does the author have a bias? *like me, of course I'm being bias to myself -.- LOL* Does the author appear to have their personal agenda aimed at convincing or changing the reader's opinion. Well, usually this is related to politics but I don't want to talk more about this endless issue. 
  • Currency
No one want to be left behind....so what should we do when we search some issue on the web?.... Is the information is up to date? Does the site specify the date when the site was updated ? Are the site's links operational? If not , the site is most likely not being actively maintained. [example: you're trying to search for the best gadget. without specifying the years, you'll probably have theinformation of the best gadget in 1998 which is Motorola *hat flip flip zeti dalam sembilu kasih tu pakai* instead of the iphone 6,7,8,9,10 etc..] 

okay people, that's all for today, Be a smart person. Don't spread the junk, we have the smart devices but it's actually producing idiot people if we don't try to use them in the right way

adios. if you have any arguments. *LOL* just put them in the comment box and I'll try to respond. This is just some sharing moment about how to evaluate the content on media *yang laju gila spread ni* 

mind blowing *Omgosh 


Friday, April 10, 2015


Bismillah, Alhamdulillah,

back to my topic,is it normal to feel a little bit jealousy in our friendship? I mean like this is the friendship between the same gender. Have you ever feel this way whenever your closest best buddy hang out with others? Have you ever getting jealous whenever your best friend treat someone else much better than she treat you *or equally* ?

I noticed myself often get jealous, as I can feel it obviously since I was in a primary school. However this is not the problem regarding sexual attraction to my own gender because I once had a boyfriend lol. And I did the same things to my ex which I was so protective *overly attached* like I should put him in the bubble if and only if I can, I'll definitely will.*so nobody would take him away* LOL

P/s: okay but that was not my intention talking about the thing that we can't do in my religion as it is consider as zina*well, this might be some lesson as well for you to not get involve in any relationship before a marriage,* 

okay, focus on our discussion,for example, what will you feel when your best buddy find someone else instead of finding you to share her secret. For me, this is extremely too much. Deal with it, I don't know I will feel like someone else is going to steal my favorite person to share story with.

I have a principle that no one could be ever taking the person whom I love so much ; mommy and daddy *of course* ,my family, best buddies, my love , even my pets.

Maybe I was born as the benjamin in my family, so I became overly attached with them....*maybe

*define it yourself*

When I was in high school, I have a friend who had a bf like honestly she's being attached to him like sometime ignoring me because she's on the phone with that guy or anything else related...
I was like whattttt ? You're forgetting me just because of that guy? but I never show the feeling because I thought it is normal to have that kind of privacy and space from your buddy whenever you're in a relationship *like all the drama on tv*

this feeling is a continuous feeling until when I was in her shoe, we were in the reverse boat. When I once had a bf, she's the one who get jealous. She even crying lol. But I guess I never less care about her. I mean like we still study together, I hope that I didn't change at that moment. well,we'll never realize our mistake..

*she used to give me that look*haha

so I guess jealousy in friendship or any relationship is normal. We're afraid to lose someone that we love right. It doesn't mean that you're a lesbian or gay just because of the normal feeling God gave you right?
you just need to control yourself and never involve with the love that Allah has forbidden in the Quran.

"Nor come nigh to adultery : for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to the other evils) "

Al-Isra ,32

so,would you like to share your story with mine regarding to our topic today? 
Do leave your comment down below and let me have some coffee while reading your stories.

Adios. thanks for reading and do click the advertisements :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

kekadang penat

penat jadi baik,
bila kau baik,
orang tindas kau,
kau saja kena jaga hati orang,
orang selalu lupa kau pun ada hati,
orang lupa kau tak tuli,
orang lupa kau boleh berkecil hati,

kekadang tu,
penat jadi happy go lucky,
sebab orang anggap kau langsung takda perasaan,
anggap kau tu jenis tak terasa,
but the only reason you're happy,
is just because you know how's the sad feeling is actually

kekadang tu,
penat jadi concern,
sebab apa?
bila kau susah,
dia tak concern pun,
langsung tak nak dengar cerita kau,
kau boleh baca je dari mimik muka dia,
mengantuk, mata sepet,
tapi takpa,
dia tetap pinjamkan kau telinga dia,
walaupun telinga tu hanya sebagai laluan,
kata kata kau untuk menembusi otaknya,
otak yang langsung tiada nota tentang kau,
otaknya yang hanya ada dirinya,

kekadang tu,
penat sangat,
tapi jangan berhenti buat baik,
sebab manusia manusia yang ada dibumi ni,
bukan hakim kau diakhirat,
buatlah baik walau kau lelah,
nanti Tuhan yang menentukan,
segala penat lelah kau,
jaga hubungan sesama manusia,
yang banyak ragam.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

DISCUSSION : Should I sacrifice my 3 months?

Bismillah, alhamdulillah..
assalamualaikum...guys, I don't know but the journey is getting tougher than I've ever thought it will be.
I'm still a matriculation student in one of the cfs in Malaysia, unlike my ex-schoolmates. senang cerita, I failed to exempted from arabic*when taking the test during our last orientation* and I have to agree with my 2 years study plan.

2years so I have a lot of free time, especially during my sem 1 and sem 2 and my short sem.
but unluckily, the study plan is getting tougher for the last two semester

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Bismillah Alhamdulillah,

Hello guys, today I just would like to share a story about this mega Saturdate <3

Okay. Today is the only day for sisters ! So no guy. sorry not sorry guys
"Living under the same roof, most of the time just stress me out because you must take care of this, and that, so we need to chill up sometimes"

p/s:  Oh, we live in one hostel over here because the other mahallah*hostels* are still under the construction.
can you imagine how the girls have to deal with the guys when they keep playing futsal at the court days and nights*which located at the middle of our mahallah building ?*

hahaha. But still I love the environment
while I'm typing this entry, still I can hear them shouting among them -.-" *that's so annoying sometime*

okay, let me start

we woke up today as a normal Muslim by performing our Subuh prayer and continued our routine by reading al-mathurat to ask the blessing from Allah The Almighty.

Later, at 7.30 am, an announcement was made to gather all the sisters at the back of
 block D because we're going to held the "senamrobik" session.

It's like the girls are dancing happily :) 
then, we were separated into different activities. some of them join running woman, masterchef, sewing etc. what about me? I did join the grooming session by Fedora.Beauty #you can find this account on instagram#

but this is not my point actually, 
I just wanna share a story about my friends, who joined masterchef just now and yeah , they did it !!!


These are my bebigel, Ain with the red tudung and Fatimah in purple :)


*so guys, Tim and Ain should be short-listed ;)*


so neat and clean, I can't join them to give my support because I attended the grooming session *sigh*

Zooooommmmm innn.. Tada :P

and this is for their effort :) 

congratulations babies. You go girls

adios ! Click the ads pulish

Friday, April 3, 2015


Bismillah Alhamdulillah.
hello and assalamualaikum guys, Do you still remember that I have told you how am I feeling when learning about the ICT ?

yeah and according to our syllabus, we need to hand out a few projects to gain our carry marks for the final examination. *sigh*

It was tiring moment yet my divergent girls and I had learn a really great cooperation in order to successfully published our short film.

at first, our mind were totally blank when our sir gave us the theme for the video: "LIFE DESTINY"
It's like a really heavy tittle and I'm not really sure. It's probably become a really cliche drama like all the television channel keep playing them. 

But first, Let me introduce you my divergent girls,
1. the director is Fatimah 
2. the editor is Ain
3 the camerawoman is Adlin
4. everyone is the actress


Let's make things become interesting, after a really long discussion and a month of preparation we came out with this short film, alhamdulillah. We did it.

Its so touched to hear the responses from your college mates saying that they're touched with the sad story line *which we as the crew find it so funny during the shooting*

Alhamdulillah again and all praised to Allah

and the synopsis goes like this

"there is a girl named Salsabila who once are so close with Ayesha . Not long after that, they were separated due to Ayesha's parents have their promotion and need to move to Alexandria...
and day by day, Salsabila felt the loneliness in her life. Her parents were so busy with their careers and leave the family torn apart..Salsabila became stress-out of all the things because she used to be loved by everyone around her. but life changes........."

well, it won't be a surprise if I tell you the whole synopsis right???

hahahaha I'm sorry but all you guys need to do is to watch them on YouTube and make sure that you're going to put down your comments below. Let me know if you liked it or no. and if you have any ideas about any story line and you want the divergent(my crews) to express in the short film, you may leave your idea below or let me know, at least I'll will contact you later !!

this is the chances for you to make your story become something that everyone would know them and make sure the audience will have some lesson to be learnt. 

adios and have a great time watching WhiteBlood 


Thursday, March 26, 2015


Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant evening guys .How you're doing?

you know, lately I've been thinking about selling all the things from my wardrobe and get myself some new things. *since I was addicted to online shopping*
so, I made this entry just wanna request for your opinion. Is it yeah or nay for this random idea of mine.

as we already know that a girls always say that they don't have anything left inside their wardrobe, when they wanna go somewhere yet they actually can open their own boutique with just their wardrobe.

So, you can nail it with my situation... 

I always tend to wear the top 5 outfits inside my wardrobe and luckily I have a washing machine inside my home. So, all I do is wearing the same outfit all over again...and again

But actually I have various of outfits that I just wear them once or twice . Somehow, there are outfits that I love them but since myself getting stretched to a bigger size. Nahh, they don't fit me anymore.
this is why girls are so obsessed to control their diet but diet just doesn't work on me *sigh*

They're all from the branded outlet and some just from the normal stores but still I bought them with a lot of love. HAHAHAHA

you know, I don't need a museum of clothes inside my room. So,I'm feeling to let them go. But of course I would sell them with a very low prize and this is my dilemma that I need to face right now,it's either sell them directly to the bundle shop or should I sell them online? 

Myself prefer to sell them online because for sure I'll know who's gonna buy my baby instead of just leave them to the bundle shop. Most of the time, I will be irrational about making decision, bias. So,here I am updating new entry just to request for your opinion.

Well,I hope that some of you might respond to this question and let the discussion occur about the benefits or vice versa for both ways. I guess all girl really need to know about this. Dealing with our own wardrobe wasn't easy right girls?

So,I'm gonna ended this entry and I hope for responses erk

P/S : Pray for my upcoming quizzes 

Friday, March 20, 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello people. Well I'm kinda miss blogging a lot. Since, blogging have  become a  part of my life, I feel so addicted to update new entry but my biggest enemy is always time and my "danger" level of laziness.


Let's back to our main intention. Why did I came out with this kind of title like everyone for sure already know well about the kind of present they would like to give to " someone " (someone here could be anybody ; mama papa big bro sister best friend? etc , so let's not just think about boyfriend and girlfriend *stop dreaming about the relationship goal i mean* because a man never do anything for you until they make you a wife:) )

so, I did tweet and ask about what are the best things that they want as their birthday present and

and I did received a few feedback from my girl friends. Now, I would like to combine all the "my-wish-list-to-have" and my friend's suggestions.

hehehehe *May my family did notice my new entry*

To be honest, I prefer surprise rather than prank. Because I hate being bully mentally and I can't control myself from burst into tears. Those who create a surprise make me feel like a princess hahaha. coming back from somewhere and I have lots of present on my bed. sticky note on my table, or any posted gift.

So far, I've never have problem with any birthday surprise but I did have a really big problem when it comes to the prank part. I will definitely become emotionally unstable.

and it's a really big deal when people mess with me. So, I'll just suggest surprise :)
But  surely I don't mind if you wanna proceed with the 'prank' as long as you know what to do's and don't. Well, people have limit, right?

so this is how you're going to wish happy birthday to that particular person but later I'll suggest you the list of present that make sense :) and definitely will make your relationship work out well and last longer ! 


here we go:)

if your friend, partner, spouse etc is a girl. They'll definitely love the cute things .
avoid being cliche and being stingy with your love one by just give them small things like they can buy it themselves.*sigh* yea, I know it's about sincerity but wasn't it too obvious that you're acting so stingy towards them? haha okay. Let's proceed.

God, I really want this. hahaha although I'm getting 19, still I would love to have this kind of huge teddy bear. It's really cute and so adorable and something that I can hug when I'm sleeping. Most of the girls love this size of teddy bear to complete their sleeping set. I still remember the last teddy I received was from my granny and it was when I'm so little.

or else, you might love to give her a bouquet of flower, aww. this is so sweet. but this is kinda for 'a married couple' so it won't annoyed people that much. hahaha.
roses daisy marigold and whatever it is. but flowers are great but you should know either she's having allergic to this kind of present or not. Don't spoil her day man!!!

next, this is kinda a very simple things to do, cliche but it still a cute thing to do.
surprise them with chocolate. I bet only a small percent of human dislike this kind of luxury. I love all the taste of chocolate. from white choco to dark choco . It's make me drivel when I'm typing about it. How I wish I can have them right now, let them melt and live happily. HAHA

Do you still remember about an advertisement to promote Ferraro roshe?

I'm not sure anymore about cute thing. Once,I received a plastic bag of dynamite sweets. Just a simple sweet. but it definitely means a world for me , Well, it actually depends on that particular person


Basically, gadget is something that we can't afford it as a student. This seems to be irrelevant to buy  a gadget to someone,,like the latest iPhone 6 . Don't use your allowance just to impress people because you should spend well the allowance to buy books and stationary etc.

But for those who already have a stable and strong income, why not right? When you love someone, the greatest appreciation for them is beyond considering the money. The only thing you wanna do is to give them the very best of you, right?*but this is the biggest mistake I've done*

Make sure, if you wanna give people this kind of expensive gadget, you should buy them with your own money. Never burden your parent and yourself .


Girl always love to dress up like a princess but somehow the 'laziness' strike and they just act like they don't care. But naturally, every single girl on the earth did care about their appearance like they will eventually stop and stare at the mirror just to check themselves up.

So, it will be a great idea if you wanna give them new outfits. Girls like me won't expect the whole set "up to toe" set as a gift. We girl are damn creative so then we'll just mix and match the new outfits with the old one. and we'll definitely happy to the max when we have the new 'guest' in the wardrobe
the currently trending shoes are Roshe Run. I found this is quite nice to be wrap up as a birthday present. but the problem is you need to know the exact size to ensure that person will be comfortable in that elegant shoes. Isn't it beautiful?

so sweet and nice with the beautiful and simple design. aww

the worth investment that I mean over here is something that might cost you more ringgit but make sure, they worth it. 
For example, you can buy them tickets for vacation. Oh I prefer if  this kind of gift is from a girl who invite her girl best friend to join her on the vacation. chilling together and travel all around the world. this would be perfect !
surely it will cost you thousands .he he

Perhaps, if she's your girlfriend you can give her something special on her birthday just like a wedding proposed. Buy her ring and surprise her . hahaha. okey I'm getting stray way from the main topic. -.-"  

But out of becoming the materialistic person. haha I prefer sweet dedication.
nowadays, we have a lot of social media, and the common media used by people is Instagram to wish other's birthday.

sweet dedication like this on public really blow my heart. Make me touched. And I bet most of the people outside there will feel the same like I do

I would love this kind of dedication. hahaha.

I used to have a thought that my future husband will give me an album or more albums of my candid picture. but then, I just bury the hope as I'm definitely doesn't  look good in candid picture because I'm not poetry in motion at all.. hahaha.. but those who have a beautiful partner, you may do so. 

you know, you may record video and sing them a song. *any song* will touched their heart.*I'm not sure about the tips I'm sharing in this paragraph. It is either for flirting or for birthday present. Lol

Last suggestion is to hit them with a call ! and directly sing a birthday song. The simplest way of dedicating a birthday wish.

But for me, no matter who they are, if they make effort to impress you, keep them !

and out of all the tips, you know that they mean a lot to you when you keep their name in your prayer.


that's all for today. Adios !!