
Saturday, April 4, 2015


Bismillah Alhamdulillah,

Hello guys, today I just would like to share a story about this mega Saturdate <3

Okay. Today is the only day for sisters ! So no guy. sorry not sorry guys
"Living under the same roof, most of the time just stress me out because you must take care of this, and that, so we need to chill up sometimes"

p/s:  Oh, we live in one hostel over here because the other mahallah*hostels* are still under the construction.
can you imagine how the girls have to deal with the guys when they keep playing futsal at the court days and nights*which located at the middle of our mahallah building ?*

hahaha. But still I love the environment
while I'm typing this entry, still I can hear them shouting among them -.-" *that's so annoying sometime*

okay, let me start

we woke up today as a normal Muslim by performing our Subuh prayer and continued our routine by reading al-mathurat to ask the blessing from Allah The Almighty.

Later, at 7.30 am, an announcement was made to gather all the sisters at the back of
 block D because we're going to held the "senamrobik" session.

It's like the girls are dancing happily :) 
then, we were separated into different activities. some of them join running woman, masterchef, sewing etc. what about me? I did join the grooming session by Fedora.Beauty #you can find this account on instagram#

but this is not my point actually, 
I just wanna share a story about my friends, who joined masterchef just now and yeah , they did it !!!


These are my bebigel, Ain with the red tudung and Fatimah in purple :)


*so guys, Tim and Ain should be short-listed ;)*


so neat and clean, I can't join them to give my support because I attended the grooming session *sigh*

Zooooommmmm innn.. Tada :P

and this is for their effort :) 

congratulations babies. You go girls

adios ! Click the ads pulish


  1. Wahhhh Sal! Terharunyaaa dengan this entry!! Aku sampai terduduk dulu kot 10 saat before boleh respond haaaa sampai gitu sekali. You're such a darling heee. Tapi seriously, kari dengan cocktail tu aku main campak-campak je weyhh kau jangan tertipu lakk haaaa. Takpe, dah pro sikit nanti Insya Allah kalau ada rezeki I'll cook up something special for le sisters hehe XOXO thank u lagi sekaliiii <3

    P/s: Ain pro yang sebenar-benarnya, nanti boleh request lidah lembu kat dia :P

    1. hehehe. terharu ye kau jahh..
      btw aku nak food tuu.. tetambah cocktail yummies.

      Cc: Ain, aku nak sup lidah lembu. *mooo*

  2. hahahaha tymmmm.

    anyway sal, you're sucha sweetheart. nak promote weolls ke pe ni? haha. we were not expecting to be winning tho... since we came empty handed without any preparation. alhamdulillah rezeki Allah bagi :D

    1. hehehe. :P nak promote supaya korang kawen awal. then aku boleh pergi makan rumah korang selalu.. hahaha.. btw congrats

  3. Boleh la kami semua call korg nnt nak tanya recipe... heheh

    1. kan.. lepas ni tim or ain boleh update pasai ni kott
