
Friday, April 10, 2015


Bismillah, Alhamdulillah,

back to my topic,is it normal to feel a little bit jealousy in our friendship? I mean like this is the friendship between the same gender. Have you ever feel this way whenever your closest best buddy hang out with others? Have you ever getting jealous whenever your best friend treat someone else much better than she treat you *or equally* ?

I noticed myself often get jealous, as I can feel it obviously since I was in a primary school. However this is not the problem regarding sexual attraction to my own gender because I once had a boyfriend lol. And I did the same things to my ex which I was so protective *overly attached* like I should put him in the bubble if and only if I can, I'll definitely will.*so nobody would take him away* LOL

P/s: okay but that was not my intention talking about the thing that we can't do in my religion as it is consider as zina*well, this might be some lesson as well for you to not get involve in any relationship before a marriage,* 

okay, focus on our discussion,for example, what will you feel when your best buddy find someone else instead of finding you to share her secret. For me, this is extremely too much. Deal with it, I don't know I will feel like someone else is going to steal my favorite person to share story with.

I have a principle that no one could be ever taking the person whom I love so much ; mommy and daddy *of course* ,my family, best buddies, my love , even my pets.

Maybe I was born as the benjamin in my family, so I became overly attached with them....*maybe

*define it yourself*

When I was in high school, I have a friend who had a bf like honestly she's being attached to him like sometime ignoring me because she's on the phone with that guy or anything else related...
I was like whattttt ? You're forgetting me just because of that guy? but I never show the feeling because I thought it is normal to have that kind of privacy and space from your buddy whenever you're in a relationship *like all the drama on tv*

this feeling is a continuous feeling until when I was in her shoe, we were in the reverse boat. When I once had a bf, she's the one who get jealous. She even crying lol. But I guess I never less care about her. I mean like we still study together, I hope that I didn't change at that moment. well,we'll never realize our mistake..

*she used to give me that look*haha

so I guess jealousy in friendship or any relationship is normal. We're afraid to lose someone that we love right. It doesn't mean that you're a lesbian or gay just because of the normal feeling God gave you right?
you just need to control yourself and never involve with the love that Allah has forbidden in the Quran.

"Nor come nigh to adultery : for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to the other evils) "

Al-Isra ,32

so,would you like to share your story with mine regarding to our topic today? 
Do leave your comment down below and let me have some coffee while reading your stories.

Adios. thanks for reading and do click the advertisements :)


  1. one of my friends used to be like that too. overly attached to her bf making me feel like a loner all the time. i was pretty pissed off with both her and her bf at that time, i actually confronted her and said all the things that i was feeling at that time. our relationship had become strained after that. we barely talk. and that goes on for like almost a year until i came to her and apologized for what i've said. and after that incident, thankfully her next bf was so considerate. he understood that friends come first.

    1. hahaha,, sometime kita rasa that feeling is just ok.. tapi I'm afraid that ppl will consider it as jealousy because we're kinda 'lesbian' -.-" or aku je overthink kekadang
