Bismillah, Alhamdulillah.
hye peeps,
tajuk terlalu berpuitis up till korang faham maksudnya, but not the hidden meaning i guess.
yknow, some people said that love is blind . First love . Love for appearance and whatever love is for you.
some people fall in love, some relationship up till marriage however some get a little heart broken,. sigh... its either being cheated on, you're cheating or just you're not destined to be together.
I'm not saying that God isn't fair, but this is how things go.
Everything happened for a reason
Everything happened for a reason
when you're just break up, what do you expect. maksud saya berapa lama kan orang ambil to recover,. For me, it really needs a long time. yelah, to build up trust balik,. unless la you don't have a really big attachment to your ex.
some said that one year is a long enough to recover.
well I don't have comment about this.
nature feelings is to be love. That's being fated. However it is our own freedom to keep it within boundary.
Yknow, I have a story to tell. a friend of mine which I really close to.
we're bestfriend and she always tell me everything. I'll summarize you the story.
once, she felt in love with a guy. a really tall guy and have the other lovely characteristics that she wished for.
Both of them are so lovely la, like yknow sorang panjang, sorang pendek.
Tapi lepas diorang habis sekolah, they only have the textarelationship.
meeting once if I'm not mistaken. tu pun masa reunion and the next day tu.
then, both of them masuk u. oh not to forget, that guy dalam persediaan ke oversea, while my friend just in Malaysia . Yknow, the distance should tied the bond right. as the idioms says that absent makes the heart go fonder.
tapi based on my bff punya story, their relationship doesn't went well.
they got broke up.
kesian my bff, she was so heart broken habis.
siang malam pagi petang.
tapi dia cuba accept sebab that guy said, it was because the religion.
yela. zina.
couldn't deny that fact, my bff started to revert to islam, I mean dia memang islam tapi try to get to know about islam deeper.
dia masuk satu society which make hati dia terpukul dengan ayat ayat Allah
terpukul jiwa dia, susah dia nak menghafal pelajaran. she wasted her time.
tapi dia selalu pujuk hati dia, some advises from us juga, kitorang kata, its okay to break up because of Allah, years of waiting won't be useless, its gonna worth your sacrifices.
so, she ended up getting better. for some moment, yelah dia bagitahu that she missed him. for me, its not wrong la. normal but try to not to.
bukan senang nak buang someone yang you're attached to
lepastu, she received a text from her friends yang satu kolej with that guy. guess what.. that guy already in relationship with other girl..
my bff ni takdala terus assume, dia minta bukti la tapi serious sedih aku tengok dia.
in the end she texted that guy, setelah lama gila diorang tak text, konon bagi ruang to that guy nak berubah. lahai.
and... that guy mengaku.. he got into his current relationship just about a few days. wt...
maka apa lagi, mengalirla sungai ..
my bff ni frust gila aa sampai rasa useless .. bayangkan she really into that guy and willing to wait kot. hmm memang quite stupid la that guy.
tapi its okay, she's getting better.
happy kot dengan kengkawan yang gila.
diri dia sendiri pun dah gila
maka mereka pun berhuhuhu
the geram part is when I caught herself scrolling that guy's life.
without hesitation, I blocked that guy...since diorang dah takda apa apa. and laki tu suruh dia cari someone else...
just like that hahah. apa lah..
the end. ahaha
long after that dia dah okay, dah maafkan that guy cuma minta meet up because she really wanted to bagi balik barang2 laki tu
the worrying part is she was sick, maybe sebab too much dhukka sebelum tu..
so immunity drop la kot
kitorang risau, dia pun risau.
well, Im hoping the best for her.
May her greatest fairy tale the righteous way (marriage)
Wow it is an extremely exciting story. She sounds like an amazing woman and hoped that she will marry someone that worth all her good sides 😘