
Friday, June 19, 2015


assalamualaikum people !

how are youuu? Omaigodz it has been so long I didn't update you guys anything on here.
well, I am enjoying myself as a walking death .

so, today is the second ramadhan and I hope that it is not too late for me to wish you guys ramadhan kareem :)

"wallahu akram"

p/s : when someone wish you ramadhan kareem which means that ramadhan is full with glory, you should reply them with wallahu akram which means that Allah is the most glorious. Subhanallah, Arabic language is such a perfect language ever as it keeps on praising the Almighty God.

"wonder if I could be able to be fluent in this language.-.- so sad because I'm kinda that "hardworking" ..."

so people all over the world. how do you celebrated your first ramadhan...? *perhaps this won't be our last ramadhan but we'll never know when we're gonna die, so make it very meaningful like it will be our last ramadhan ,insyaaAllah.


honestly, being far away from family during ramadhan literally killing me, I feel like I'm so a baby who need mommy and daddy.

enjoying my sahur at 4.30 am......

waiting for maghrib call........

dup dup dup

taraaaa.!! I did it.

and can you guess the activities that we can do during ramadhan and perhaps that we could be able to continue that 'ibadah's during the other months as well.

so let's list some of the activities.
  • tadarus al-Quran
  • solat tarawih
  • qiamullail
  • tadabur al quran
  • fasting is a must okayy
these are the examples and you can have more and more ibadah. :)

so,I'm kinda speechless. nothing to say. Annyeong !

adios guys.

enjoy your ramadhan....

assalamualaikum.. :)

sharing is caring. if you have any idea regarding on activities that we could do during this holy month, kindly drop down your wonderful comment .:)

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