Bismillah Alhamdulillah
Assalamualaikum and hello peeps..
Nowadays, we always keep sharing all the information that we gained. Yes, that's good. Pretty sure that everyone will participate in this 'sharing event' because we want people around us to keep updated.
News, religions, politics, entertainments, sports and etc, are the frequently issues shared by us through many ways ; twitter, Facebook, Whats-app and even Blogging * Like what am I doing right now*
the only thing that we need to do is click the share button, and yeah, the issue appears on your timeline and public are able to read them and even share them to their circles of friend.
What made me came out with this tips is because I feel so sad to see my own nation being fragmented by the information that they actually gained randomly without doing any research about the actual declaration from the authority involved. *telan bulat bulat atau percaya seketoi-seketoi orang kedah kata*
since people are getting so excited to share the 'current news'
Let's discuss what are the steps to be taken before....we spread the news
So, what we should do before we click the share button? the copy button or before we have faith with the statements or news?*then we start to give the argument to others confidently*
here, I would like to share some knowledge that I actually gain from a valid resource [computing essentials 2015 by Timothy J. O'Leary/ Linda I.O'Leary /Daniel A. O'Leary]
*and I did some additional verb and explanation in order to avoid you from being sleepy*
we already know that our world now is just about one click. One click and you'll have million of related search in just 0.02 seconds. Crazy right?
we all know that search engine are the excellent tools to locate the information on the web. We just need to click some keyword then, they will provide you with the related links.
However, we can't rely 100% on the information that we gain on the internet. WHY?
Because everyone is allow to publish anything, ANYTHING on the internet,...not all the information that you gain in the internet is according to the strict guideline to ensure the accuracy...No they don't.
Most of them are just based on their opinion, their what-if assumption, their gossips, their emotion * just like my blog*
There are a lot of site which allow anonymous to post anything on their site such as .
how to make sure that the content is valid?
We must know how to filter the content by using this four step in evaluating content :
- Authority.
Do you really know the author?you know me? *unless you're the community around me-.-*so ask yourself. does the author an expert in the subject area. [example: should a fisherman talk about research on economies? yeah he can, but will people have full faith on his statement? definitely not. It's not because he is just a fisherman. open your eyes. what I mean is, this is not his expert people won't believe.]
Is that site is an official site or it just individual's personal website like me? *who always share unrelated things which come randomly..*
- Accuracy
Even if the website is an official one, they still will have some false fact. Because it's only a normal human being who authored the official website. They might gave some false information. However, this information can be corrected whenever they share their contact information which we can ask them if there are any questions to be argue.
Has the information been critically review for correctness prior to posting on the web? Does the website provide a method to report inaccurate information to the author? Ask yourself.
- Objectivity
This is the important part which we should identify before we strictly believe it. This is the main reasons why people are blaming each other. Irresponsible author usually spread bad news in order to destroy someone's career and more. As the "smart reader", we should take note on this. Is the information is a factually reported or does the author have a bias? *like me, of course I'm being bias to myself -.- LOL* Does the author appear to have their personal agenda aimed at convincing or changing the reader's opinion. Well, usually this is related to politics but I don't want to talk more about this endless issue.
- Currency
No one want to be left what should we do when we search some issue on the web?.... Is the information is up to date? Does the site specify the date when the site was updated ? Are the site's links operational? If not , the site is most likely not being actively maintained. [example: you're trying to search for the best gadget. without specifying the years, you'll probably have theinformation of the best gadget in 1998 which is Motorola *hat flip flip zeti dalam sembilu kasih tu pakai* instead of the iphone 6,7,8,9,10 etc..]
okay people, that's all for today, Be a smart person. Don't spread the junk, we have the smart devices but it's actually producing idiot people if we don't try to use them in the right way
adios. if you have any arguments. *LOL* just put them in the comment box and I'll try to respond. This is just some sharing moment about how to evaluate the content on media *yang laju gila spread ni*
mind blowing *Omgosh |
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