
Wednesday, May 6, 2015


It's been so long
waiting for you to turn around.
kneeling on the ground
praying that you'll see
that I'm the only one who give you the very best of me

Trying to accept the fate
but I know how it feels
it kills me every second of my breath
I can't take it no more.

dealing with the fate
trying to fix the broken future
my broken wings
my broken heart
almost paralyzed
can't be rational
can't think no more

the heart say yes but my mind say no
they said I'm crazy for staying here
waiting for some miracle to happen
though I know the possibility is a major no.

Telling the God 
the worst feelings I had
Tell Him the pain that He could take it back
but this feelings is right
it won't vanish
just not the right time
Ask myself if I could wait
and they say yes

I'm gonna wait.
till the right time
the right feelings still here right in the heart
you're the right one
the right one

Baby when everything is okay
when all the things are fine
when all the set up is ready
Please comeback 
so we can do it all over again
I promise we'll make it right


Friday, May 1, 2015

Discussion : Borrow someone's belonging

bismillah, alhamdulillah

Heyya people.

assalamualaikum so how was your weekdays? Mine? Oh gosh. Indescribable. Such a hectic nak mateyyyyy

Well, yeah, setiap kesusahan pasti didatangi kemudahan atau hikmah yang indah.
Just like you'll have the beautiful rainbow right after the rain 

and the greatest hikmah is no more test after this but surely I'll be sitting for my final the next two weeks. * I hope you guys will pray for my friends and I so that Allah will ease our journey *

When there's a meeting between people, surely there will be a farewell. obviously, farewell is quite cruel as it will take someone that you used to close with an etc but this shows us nothing last forever except Him, Allah the Almighty . Yeah. Subhanallah. sort of ustazah pilihan :*.

so when it comes to the end of semester, the cliche things that people would do including me is we would like to apologies for our mistakesSsSs and we would like to ask if we had something undone with anyone such as borrowed money without even paying them, borrow spoon *eh?* or what ever it is. 

Well, this for the berkat in our lifespan. You know it's no good when you are owing something with people because it will be questioned in the hereafter.

There are really long verses in al-Quran describing about "HUTANG // BORROWING// OWING **dan seangkatan dengannya*

which explain the very detail about what we should do during the process of owing with somebody .
The process is so perfect. Allah's law. Subhanallah.


But somehow, the existence of a human like me, who are always shy and too lazy to collect back my money or my belongings until the debtor remember it by themselves. Because I don't want people to call me kedekut taik hidung masam masin or berkira gila kita rapat kot or what ever-.-

Unfortunately this habit kills me, kills my budget, kills my purse and kills my parents' wealth T.T
Always end up by sokeyyy, they probably forget it. maybe they'll remember in future .........in future......in future.....

But at one point when I'm damn desperate, I just tell them quickly within 3 days to have my things back. because if it is more than 3 days or more than that..... erm.. I just assume that maybe the way I'm gaining the money is not in the right way, and Allah wants to remove that un-berkat things from me insyaaAllah.

or, I should remind myself that, all the money of mine is not totally mine.,

However, I dislike that kind of people who borrow my THINGS, but they don't return it back. Like come on,,,,, I need it back. the worst part is if they lost it . I will totally explode and like I wanna kill that person. Luckily I cold down easily. I just no need to see that person's face for a while or I'll kick her/his knee. I value things. every single things have their own sentimental values.

I'm not perfect and you know you're not too.. LOL

so, I might be that kind of peole who forgot about the hutangsss. For the current moment. I owe from 2 people for food and tudung. 
I'll pay you back. I wrote them in my book. Don't worry I'll pay you.
If I did forget about any hutang. Pls remind me. I'm fine.


means that dia selalu senyap je kalau pinjam duit or barang kita, kita anggap tak kisah sebab kawan. tapi kalau lama lama macam nyampah juga sebab bila kita pinjam duit dia, ingat seringgit dua tu dia tak kisah sebab kawan kan. tapiiiii tak, kedekut gila boleh jadi the next two three years pun dia ingat lagi meskipun hutang kau lima duit .... sigh.. anggap sajalah sedekah. It won't be that bad setakat below than hundred. 

Jenis pinjam barang orang tak pulang pulang pun annoying gila.dah la barang dia kedekut. barang kita nak pulak ye. satu lagi kalau pinjam barang orang tu jaga laaaaa baik baik -.- Be responsible la sikittttttt.. 


maaf atas carutan dalam coretanku. sesungguhnya aku ingin menyatakan setiap manusia have their own limit baby. 
but truly, kalau kau besties aku, I tak kisah sebab aku pun selalu pau korang gak. btw we all have the limits. I don't really mind if I anak jutawan bangsawan kayawan duit taktahwan. but I don't. Just a normal people. so... consider me.

#tapi kalau aku pinjam duit kau seringgit dua tu kau tak kisah, honestly kau nak pinjam 50 pun aku tak berkira la, sebab kawan always there to help you. tapi kalau kita kedekut, tapi barang orang kita nak, susah dik nak hidup.. Life is about give and take.#

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