
Saturday, January 24, 2015


Assalamualaikum, hello there ?

*flip hair and roll eyes*
I hope all of you must be wondering what are the ways that I wanna share :). Read and "digest" the title again so that you can guess what are the useful tips that I would like to share with all of you? And perhaps you wouldn't get annoyed with me if I write this in English as my second language is getting suck   *sorry*

you know all of these tips are from my girl friends. I asked them on whatsapp since I've read on twitter there are soooo many couple who went to break up *sobs* But please don't get me wrong. I'm not telling this to the 'illegal' couple only,, well perhaps these might help those who just had trouble in their marriage relationship, break up with fiance? So,be open minded guys......

*roll the drum*


First of all, out of all the step that you need to do when you're having a break up is try to make yourself closer to your creator. As a muslim like I do, of course you have Allah who you can prostrate*sujud* to Him the Most merciful. Never look back. I probably know the feelings of "losing someone" that you're already consider as your another half... isn't it? It is so pain like you feel the clutches whenever you breath and it just so pain.. okey.. I'm not trying to refresh your pain but come on, trust me. Make yourself closer to God as He is the only one who understand you inside out. 

You can read the Holy Quran. You can tell Him everything. You can cry. Trust me, after this session, you'll just feel that some spirit is blew into you and give you more strength to undergoes your pain.

Once my girl friend told me that we should bow our creator as every heart is belong to Him. If you still want your ex back into your life. Mention their name to Him. Trust me,. It will work on you. but if it don't ,you should know that Allah have a better plan for you because our prayer will be fulfill in many ways either :
  • you'll get what you want
  • you deserved something better
just be calm especially girl. relax
" Allah without a man is still Allah but the man without Allah is definitely nothing "
As a muslim, we already know that Allah own every heart :)

this is another idea from my girl. Well, you might say it won't work on you but it worth to try. I mean that you don't have to force yourself crying days and nights like you're losing everything in your life ? Come on, this is not your LOST *if you're not the reason of the break up* It is their lost. so you don't have to cry over and over until you die. I mean like you need to be pretty like ..they'll regret for taking you for granted. Force to smile pretty. Dress up. Don't be a panda even the pandas are facing extinction, you don't need to be one of them,  you're not belong to panda. You're an awesome creature ! bear in mind ... Smile because smile is the best revenge :/


Who love to eat ? Naaaa~~~ my favorite part. hmm considering food as your new 'bae' ? perhaps.. When you eat you'll feel happy and forget those stupid little things.Right? But come on, DO NOT eat until your body turn into a new shape *gosh* you'll ruin your whole life then... Never okay.. just eat something like fruits*berries* or you have another 'diet' that you can eat to released those stress.. Just eat and enjoy. Don't you ever turn back and look at your past that already ruin your sunny days and sweet nights, ok?


Erm. I guess that my girls consider taking chocolate and eat as two different things. Erk, okey let me explain to you then,
*It's not me who explain but I copied some on Google*

Stress Reduction

Chocolate can be used, in appropriate quantities, as one tool for stress reduction. Dark chocolate has been found to improve mood by increasing serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain. According to research published in 2009 in the journal "Proteome Research" and reported by "The Huffington Post", eating 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate daily for two weeks is associated with lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. "Psychology Today" even reports pregnant women who eat more chocolate during pregnancy give birth to more stress-free babies.

Choose Dark

Darker chocolate has lower quantities of unhealthy ingredients, such as fat and sugar, than milk chocolate. Dark chocolate that is at least 70 percent cocoa is the most beneficial variety, and it packs loads of nutritious antioxidants. It even has numerous health-promoting properties that other kinds of chocolate do not contain; for instance, dark chocolate has far more antioxidants and flavonoids than milk or white chocolate.

Other Health Benefits

The flavonoids in dark chocolate -- the antioxidant compounds that give it its bittersweet taste -- promote a variety of cardiovascular benefits. The antioxidants in dark chocolate can also lower blood pressure, increase good cholesterol, decrease oxidation of bad cholesterol, which leads to plaque accumulation in the arteries, and promote blood sugar regulation. Dark chocolate can also lengthen the time it takes blood to clot and increase healthy blood flow by making blood vessels more elastic.


Practice moderation with your chocolate consumption. Even if you opt for the healthier dark variety, it doesn't take much to reap the nutritional benefits. The Clemson University Cooperative Extension recommends a serving size between one-third and three-fourths of an ounce of dark chocolate. Do not replace any needed medication, for diabetes or hypertension, for instance, with dark chocolate. Keep in mind that despite its healthful benefits, dark chocolate can still contain many calories, saturated fat and sugar.

or you may click this link below for more information 


okey. For a great example, it's me. Whenever I have problems I'll express them through many things such as drawing, singing, dancing, twitter, or etc...

for those who are able to draw just draw something that will make you praised yourself like 'goshhh I'm great at drawing !" or you just can stain colorful colors on drawing block to express your art and let everything go like Anna in 'The Frozen' always said ." L E T ...I T... GO" 

you can sing some songs without considering your terrible pitch and so what ever. Don't care about it. This is your life. Just sing and nobody can judge you btw,haha unless you're disturbing people. 

Dancing probably my favorite activity as dancing make me feel like I'm a princess with such a perfect fairy tail :)


Definitely No

you're in the process of move on., why still you need to memorized those "sweet memory"
just bear in mind.."even the sweetest chocolate have the expired date. so do fake feelings"

what the h*ll you need to do ? Eliminate them. Delete every single memory. Just delete if you're determine in moving on unless you still hope that you're relationship is just bend and you want to start over? perhaps. I'm don't mind if you still have some feelings towards them like yeah, it's not an easy task to forget people who used to be part in your life. Ikr. But if he or she cheat like many times ,, would you still want them? isn't ? Come on, you just deserve something better than that..

  • Put everything that you received from him/her or anything that remind you to your ex just put them in box. seal it. If you're strong enough just throw them away. but I bet you won't as if I'm in your shoe, I won't. 
  • Block everything.... sounds like an immature person but who care. you wanna eliminate your ex right. Just do it-Nike
  • Delete memories in your mind. I don't know how but  don't try to flashback anything that will just hurt you 

turn yourself into a polar bear for a few days sound so legal to me. If I'm having my stress, usually I just shut down my brain and sleep like a dead person.

have you ever wonder why that every time you cried you'll just fall asleep at the end. right.
It's happen naturally because as I said before God *Allah* knows what is the best for us. So we fall asleep because we literally cannot bear the pain at that moment but noted that He will only test with the hardest war to His strongest battalion. Ok. Chill :)

"I wish I could wake up with amnesia, and forget all the stupid little things" 


This is the things that you need to avoid,
why you can't hang out with your buddy who are in the same situation as you ? Because the only things that both of you will only talk about is your exes. Come on, this is not helping in the moving on process, this will just make you feel worst., being left all alone when you're so much in love with them. It's not fair right. give yourself opportunity to be happy because you deserve. Instead of talking and prolapse about what have done in your life, both of you definitely will start to plan something illegal like the "killing your dumb ex" hahaha please no. Don't make yourself a murder. Just because you're left behind doesn't mean that there is nobody that will love you. It's not the end of the world babe. Chill...  Don't spread hatred at this moment because you'll definitely out of control and just forgive them instead maybe they're too dumb to realize just like Bruno Mars said...

forgive them not because they deserve to be forgive but you deserve to be happy without hatred... ok?


This way is much more suit to the girls. come on who hate shopping right? But I do * when only my purse is zero $$$* aww it's okayyy you still can have a walk in the mall like testing the new make up in the 'sasa' shop. Testing the new perfume. trying out the new clothes. It's okay if you don't buy them but at least you've tried them, HAHAHA sounds like a stupid idea but stupid idea will make you have something to be memorized instead of just shed your tears when you're already a grandma. HAHA couldn't imagine more as I wish I will be a beautiful old girl like sweet 70. 


Okey this is the important part. You need to repair your relationship with everyone around you who you might ignore them just when you're with your ex.Hmm be happy. spend more time with them instead of being alone in your room as you might accidentally refreshing your memory again. It shouldn't be,. Laugh together with them because trust me, family and friends always try to be there when you're in your darkest night. :) No need to cry and somehow you can lend their shoulder to cry on if you just can't stop crying. their hug might help.


It's over.Don't need to know about them anymore. Leave them as they leave you. Don't be weak. You don't have to suffer watching them living happily without your present. Indeed,improve your life. Make yourself happy as they will find out that you're happy with your beautiful smile and they'll start to regret but remember it will be just too little too late. Move on already. :)


Never listen to sad song, sad drama, sad sad sad sad anything else. you have to be happy as you deserve. Just listen to motivated songs like just the way you are *I feel pretty every time I listened to this song* , I don't remember this song's tittle but it sounds like this " beautiful girl all over the world....lalalalala they got nothing on you baby..." Listen to what motivates you not demotivated you ok.. be positive :)


this is another brilliant idea from my girls, You can play instrument and let your soul feel them.feel the happiness. In other word you can do your hobby perhaps? Fishing, farming,and etc. but me choose to sleep as my hobby hahaha.. okeyy it's not funny at all.. But I guess having your hobby will just mend your broken heart :)


This idea is from my tough girl who really love to work out, she said to me that when she work out she'll feel just like a newborn baby*that's really a hyperbola for me* but maybe this will work on you :) Make yourself busy as bee. Never let yourself alone without any work to do or else your mind will do some stupid things by refreshing the older memories. Ok so do some action, be active not passive. stop crying over.


in other word, make your life better than before. Dress up especially girl, let's them regret what are type of diamond they're loosing while trying to collect the ugly stone.AHAHAHA .

make yourself beautiful than before is a subtle way to make them regret . you don't have to go and meet shaman to do some love portion for you in order to make them realize and love you in the "fake" feeling.. Nahh,only loser did that. Just make them regret.It sounds cruel but it will never be enough compared to your broken heart. Am I right ?

okey, let call it a day. You can use all the tips in your own way and maybe you'll let me know the result. You also can share your opinion by dropping your comment below.If you have any curiosity and any question you're please to ask me question over ask fm perhaps I'll make new entry for you to answer your question*if needed*

Here's is some advice. If they wanna be set free even after you beg them so many times and you have try to fix everything but it just doesn't work, just let them go. If they're meant to be yours they will. If they turn back and wanna stay, you win. :) Have a great relationship with everyone guys. Adios

"somehow both of you just need to fall apart to know how much both of you will need each other ..."

with love 


  1. Dear CikSal, your post are amazing. It is as if your girlfriends had experienced it. I am just wondering what if I like someone, but that person never notice me as a person. Now, sadly, he is married to someone else and my heart just shattered into tiny pieces. I can hardly eat nor sleep as he is always in my mind. I wish for some of your personal wisdom to overcome this heartbreak </3

    1. Hello there, Miss_Deen you don't have to be sad about what had happened. You know what it is sad but when the people you love is already married to others, this clearly stated that he's not yours. not meant to be together. you don't have to make yourself feel weak and worst as you might get sick... Trust me and try to apply those tips I have mention above or you might add some with your own ways to calm you out... I stated that if they're back for you,means that they're yours. but in this case Miss_Deen, so sad but if he come back for you while he still married to his wife. trust me he'snot a right guy. a good guy won't do that. Don't accept that ok.. But trust me Miss Deen,all you need to do is open your eyes and heart. they are 7 billions people in this world. There will be one for you and me for sure. If not,may He give you one in the paradise,. someone that is much better... Don't be sad. thank you for leaving your comment over here :)
