
Saturday, April 19, 2014

TIPS: What will going on during the interview session for University Malaya

ehem ehem..
bismillah alhamdulillah.. setelah lama tak menaip. jari jari yang dulunya runcing kini semakin kembong kekenyangan dengan lemak :3

waduhhh ibuk ibuk bapak bapak.. terlebih sudah ! actually.. my laptop was not in a good condition . the key Q W S Z X 2 was still not functioning well and I have to use the on screen key which had turn me into a lazy bum -.-" yeaaaaaa..exactly !

assalamualaikum dearest people on the earth ? How was your day ? huarrghhh ? mine ? Alhamdulillah .. it flow smoothly even there are couples obstacle  that I need to pass through .
mengancam tak english I ? kekeke
mood gedik nak interview tak habis lagi ni.. actually I'm not very well in speaking . But like what my previous principal told me that I should be brave enough to converse in english .

okeyyyy back to the reality !

what do I wanted to share to all of you ?

wondering ? 

First of all I want to tell you the event that happened in my life today 
but first happy birthday to Pak cik khairri and Asma Farhana Shaharuddin . May Allah bless both of you and your families as well . Amin ya Rab

Today , I have an interview session from University of Malaya .

you don't know bout it ? how come . ? It is the one of famous university in Malaysia and it was the first university in Malaysia . Gaisss,, Look at the term "Malaya" used .

If you really wanted to know more about University of Malaya (UM) you may click me !

oke done with reading all bout the UM ?
oke come here . read my entry ..why do I have to proceed with the interview to join PASUM ? (pusat asasi sains UM)

helllooooo ? I told you before . this university is not the cikai cikai one.. of course it would like to select the "cream de la cream " abaikan jika salah ...lama tak buat idiom..lupaaa ehh

and Malaysia have produce a lot of brilliant students and you are one of it :) *Alhamdulillah ., All praises to Allah .. Our God Almighty 

okey.. what are the do's and don'ts 

  • jadi laa friendly dengan semua manusia yang wujud dekat situ k.. bukan apa , kalau nanti kita dapat satu group. Cer imagine? tak mudah ke nak berinteraksi masa group discussion nanti  :)
  • do research, macam tadi laaa..baca sedikit sebanyak tentang university tersebut.. so nampak lah kata kita ni berminat nak p situ :) ye ke idok?
  • buat lah resume ., make sure padat dan 2 pages je . so takda laaa over nak alih muka surat setebal ensiklopidia kan?
  • bincanglah dengan group member . Current issue . ye lahh sbelum ni depan cermin je kan? so practice laa infront of the real people.

  • jangan nak jeling jeluat bagai dekat others . hahaha .kena2 interviewer hang .. haaa tak pasai cekkk..
  • time dia tanya soklan tu..memang laaa dalam otak tu.ligat idea..tapi limit laa sikit,,jangan laaa makan masa terlampau lampau *nanti dsy kata eh eh budak ni.. riak bak hang ! so jangan sampai interviewer mencelah..hahaha...tettttt mungkin anda sudah terlebih sudah !
  • semasa group discussion , anda dikendaki untuk berbincang ! bukan mengetuai . oke .so let other speak out their opinions as well ..tapi jangan laa diam sampai anda terbenam didasar laut -.-"
  • don't look at the floor..walaupun lantai dia mahai gila..batu mar mar kaaa? or what ever..nampak you clearly not confident ..tapi jangan lah mendabik dada pulak..

okelaahhh semoga membantu untuk you all yang nak continue with PASUM . saya pun belum tentu luluih .. But InsyaaAllah . Pray for the best ok reader? 

Goodluck .. Don't forget your things behind !! I left my goody bag T.T

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