Bismillah Alhamdulillah, a long sighhhhhhh I’m having a bad day ( not really ) it just that my cast doesn’t perform well 😔. I’ve do it many times but still hahaa. Yet need to ask for the dental technician to help me .
I’ve never feel as loser as this time hahaha , usually my hands, they said ‘artsy’ . Hahaa but this time lol I guess emotional take part over me addition to empty stomach..
I feel like vomiting since yesterday.. so I didn’t take my breakfast and just drink plain water, haha told mom that I didn’t have a breakfast , she thought that I’m an extremist in taking care of my diet. Haha no of course, I love food but it just my taste bud won’t feel anything.. now I’m drinking soybean milk but urge to vomit is very high.. since I’m at the library, i will try to hold them 🤣
and not to forget yesterday’s first impression also was a bad one.
I’m not like this but I don’t know why I’m like this right now.. even typing seems to be hard.. hahaha I feel numb.. like having a sense that I’m gonna catch a cold. Pls my body stay strong 😂 I have lots of quizzes hahaha . Not a right time. #prayforsal
I can do it better I guess because people around me they just did it easily.. where’s your soul hahaha ? Lol do it properly. Stay focus !
You can pick which one of my cast that you think is good but I guess none of them.
Wassalamualaikum, lots of love , bella .
P/s: I guess some of us don’t like writing but I’m just gonna proceed my blog , perhaps a daily blog because I can write as much as I want. Without limit like Instagram hahahaha
My sort of first primary impression |
My second primary impression ( trials ended here hahaha)