
Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Have you ever listening to Taylor's song
the story of us
I can relate it with someone's life
but not much

sometime, we feel like we owned the world,
because what we're wishing for,
God fulfilled them

she was hunted by her previous nonworking relationship,
I see her putting a lot of efforts to make things work,
ended up the guy left her for a new girl,
whom he found that having all the characteristic that she have to live without,

broken heart, who will not,
deeply in love, planning for future,
but within just a day, 
everything was ruined

about more that a year, 
realizing that thing will happened,
but the love in herself forced her to fake her smile,
to say nothing is wrong to her friends,
just because she's too in love.

however, the moment that he clearly proved that she was unwanted,
she still try to fixed all the mess,
all alone,
it's a failure.

it took her a long time to recover,
up till she feels like she needs to revenge,
to him? no, to others
she just wanna play around pulling the love's rope
if anyone trying to approach her,
I knew its a cruel thing,
but will they know what she felt?

No, no one but God

A few people actually did come after that,
but they annoyed her
she knew how man works with all the sweet words,
she hate it

but, she still a lady 
who will fall for a guy,
she just don't like a sweet talker,

she received a notification,
perhaps from a nobody,
asking who is she?

She thought the conversation will just ended after she answered that questions,
but no, it last for 5 months
they never talked in real life,
they never looked into each other eyes
because if the eyes meet, both will look around,
is it ego?

they were so close like he knew the story behind this girl's poker face,
and she knew whats behind the bald's head and arrogant face,
they have a same story
they can tell stories from a topic to another,

but she thought they were just a friend.

a cyber friend?

No,its more than that, 
she could tell the world , no I'm not
she could act like nothing happened if she met him walking around,
God knows how the heart pumped ups and down so hard,
trying to let things slow, 
but never thought of letting go

some point, rumors spread like a killing virus,
forcing both to think for reasons,
reasons why they're close together?

how do you know her?...idk
how do you meet her?...idk
is she's your classmate?...idk
your girlfriend?...idk

all the answered buffered in man's bald head,
but she have answers for non of the questions above, perhaps

they decided not to text each other,
she's unsure which part of it lost,
she feels a lost,
she started to write it out,
she loves writing
the only thing she is able to do,

but the guys noticed her status, keep changing,
to certain point that he can't read it,
she was blocked.

a routine for this girl to look over the text messages,
the old one,
but she found out that she's being blocked
she acted cool,but as her buddy will realized it
tears streaming down her face,
the stomach got harden, 
the voice ups and down, 

she claimed to be okay.
but the questions popping up in her mind,
initiates her to asked him through other way

she texted him, why?
he thought by doing that, she'll stop feeling sad 
and change all the status?

No, he'll get things worsen.

being unblocked

he said sorry

she's unsure which part is more killing her

she wants to keep him but she can't

but she guess

that was a last conversations


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Time is a gold but why waste it ?

Assalamualaikum, hi peeps. Apa khaborr? 

mudah mudahan kita semua sihat sihat insyaaAllah ,, mudah sikit nak buat kerja apa apa pun kan?

 bismillah , alhamdulillah

kenapa pulak adab dan budi ? sebenarnya apa benda adab ni ?

Adab (Arabicأدب‎) in the context of behavior, refers to prescribed Islamic etiquette: "refinement, good manners, morals, decorum, decency, humaneness".[1] While interpretation of the scope and particulars of Adab may vary among different cultures, common among these interpretations is regard for personal standing through the observation of certain codes of behavior.[2] To exhibit Adab would be to show "proper discrimination of correct order, behavior, and taste."[2]Islam has rules of etiquette and an ethical code involving every aspect of life. Muslims refer to Adab as good mannerscourtesy,respect, and appropriateness, covering acts such as entering or exiting a washroom, posture when sitting, and cleansing oneself. According to Sahih BukhariMuhammad refrained from bad language; neither a 'Fahish nor a Mutafahish. He used to say "The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character."
(aku copy je wikipedia) 

haaa.. faham dak? okey lets me simplify it, tak payah la sampai juling nak baca kan? adab ni adalah satu perkara asas dalam hidup kita dimana, kita perlu mendidik diri untuk mempunyai akhlak terpuji , cemerlang dan gemilang, contohnya, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W yang memiliki akhlak yang paling sempurna...Subhanaallah..

not writing this to persuade you guys yang I ni perfect sangat sangat like an angel. but there is an event yang jadi which make I feel like, our Y generation is lack of what we called "adab" which make them become a "BI- adab" 

okey let me tell you a story:

Pada suatu event, senah dan rakan rakannya sedang menguruskan satu program yang wajib dimana program ini khas to educate people, ( a sort of genius community to be exact) . Program tu sehari je, Senah ni pun manusia yang bila dah settle exam apa semua, dia tak pikir benda lain dah.... kecuali nak hibernate... tapi bila ada program ni... Senah pun sacrifices her sleep time... and join the program... However, its quite frustrating la.. bila community yang participate program Senah tu.. tak punctual.. which dragged program tu.. Sebenarnya Senah tak kisah pun.. (kau lambat,, kau yang tersangkut lama dalam program tu.....) BUT THE THING IS PROGRAM TU MELIBATKAN SENAH JUGA.. JADI,,, SENAH PUN KISAH SANGAT.. Senah ni,.. tak boleh negotiate dengan orang yang lambat ni... 20 minit okey lagi.. Senah masih sabar.. Tapi bila dah sampai sejam suku.. Senah menjadi Hulk.. HUHUHU

hmm ni point pertama,, dalam hidup bermasyarakat ni gais.. kita ni kena belajar hormati masa.


by time !

buka balik surah al asr ni...
Allah dah Highlighted dalam Quran sayang sayang sayang..

penting sangat masatu sampai tercatat dalam Quran..

so ? dah boleh sentap diri. haha.. yelah. kekadang kita ni tak perfect.. tak punctual.. wehhh tapi sampai berjam jam tu apa hal?? Allah S.W.T bagi kita 24 hours per person per day.. takda lebih takda kurang... kalau tahu kita ni susah untuk punctual.. didik la diri kita,.

buat time table.. ( DAN PATUH)
buat alarmsssss..

etc. usaha.. nasib kita takkan berubah nak.. ubah sendiri..
bila kita tak punctual.. automatically kita akan menyusahkan orang lain juga.. seriously,, percayalah bahawa bila kita memudahkan urusan orang lain,, insyaaAllah,, Allah tu akan memudahkan urusan kita... baik dunia.. baik akhirat.. Allah kan Maha Penyayang terhadap hambaNya.

proven kan ??

so harap sangat... sapa yang baca ni,,, boleh tersentap.. dan berubah.. tak yah la sentap sangat.. cuma nya terasa la.. yang orang sekeliling awak memang susah sangat when you decided to dragged their time...

masa yang berlalu takkan kembali awak...kalau tak ganggu orang lain.. okeyla.. (tu pun sebenarnya tak boleh.. no procrastinating.. tapi hok tak leh ni la hok sodap do buet..)

okey.. ayuhlah

kita berubah

jom qailullah lu..

gerak dulu... pa pe roger.

wallahu'alam.. assalamualaikum.. tak jawab berdosa.. jawab terima kasih doakan saya.. (muahehehe)