Bismillah Alhamdulillah
Assalamualaikum. Hellowww gais
why dengan mole I,.?
I guess semua yang kenal I dah familiar dengan the existence of a big sweet mole on my face. Tapi now, its gone. So there's a lot of wild speculation. -.- katanya I did a facial treatment (( laser i guess)) . come on la guess, laser tu kalau I buat, I won't be suffering for about a month with that ugly scar.
Ok so, wth is going on *cewah* kemain nak dehel dehel bagai.
so percita toqq.
last month yeah approximately 40 days ago ((June)) . I had enjoy my holidays ((supposedly to enjoy those past 3 weeks)) unfortunately, I did enjoyed only 4 days. hah... kenapa?
Its my routine to kerja dengan mama bila cuti semester and bila balik rumah I did played with my naughty nephew, akil.
so, the same things I did on the forth day. ((which I had my vocal on and sang Oppa Gangnam Style)) Yeah, he danced and I don't even realized that he was about to fall and suddenly he scratched my ((not so fair)) face. I got two scars on my face. one on my forehead and another one is on my upper lips ((my mole to be exact)) .
the mole was bleeding heavily. bapak sakit. Pergh. and I just buat tak tahu je. sebab according to my previous experience, my mole only took 3 days to recover to its normal shape and size. so no worry I said.
I just leave it alone *yeke* ok tipu. masa I at my hometown. biasalah. pishang sangat kot. wifi((kabel kena curi..ish takgunelaaaa))
so I did watched "hati perempuan" the only channel that seems to make sense at that particular time.
while so pishang and got nothing to do. tangan kanan I ni adalah melakukan tugasan merunas (( garu garu kat tempat tahi lalat tu sebab keras gila. tak selesa like seriously macam kudis .eww))
so, it was quite fine like ah lega gila. haha. macam buang kudis la rasanya. ((jerawat pun aku picit))
so, " MAMAAAAA...!!"
bleeding duh and guess what tertanggal aaa kudis tu. and seriosly my face looks so clean without my mole and its kinda really weird. so basuh la muka I.
pastu ma kata, okey chill nanti tumbuh balik (( omaigod mama, ia kena pulih before adik masuk cfs balik .huawarghh seteress))
so, I did claimed sedikit pampasan daripada my beloved sister atas tindakan puteranya mensabotaj tahi lalatku, so dia rasa bersalah gila gila and dia beli ubat bapak banyak la.
((hiruscar, cream apa ntah lagi))
so, I did apply them unfortunately , those different products have different chemical and of course reaction did occur on my face. Naahai my face is getting worse la like hari hari I kena clean up my face from those kudis yang muncul. Malu nya time tu nak keluar rumah. Hmm malu la
memandangkan cuti semester dah nak habis (( 4 days lagi kot)) and muka pun tak helok lagik. aku bertafakur jap.
so takpa stop ubat jap. tangan ni yang selalu online, gigih cari laman web ((how to remove the mole)) sebab tekad sangat da. dah kena infection semua. I don't think that I have guts to let the mole worsen my face.
hmm jumpala. misalnya sabun baju + kapur sireh = really acidic thingy yang buang tahi lalat secara kejam ((but i guess this is tooo risky))
sapu madu kat muka ((but muka rasa melekik and I tak suka ))
and akhirnya ku decided to just use the garlic *bawang putih and tempek dekat bekas tahi lalat tu*
"... time pakai tu, hmmmmm zzzzpppp pedih gila. Jumped out of my bed and straightly go to the toilet and wash my face. ah tak tahan surrender..."
so pergi jela cfs dengan muka yang separuh kudis tu.,
kebetulan kunci bilik tak dapat lagi, buddies aku ajak outing. so ngikut jela walaupun tak berapa nak rela sebab kudis di muka. ((dalam otak ligat fikir nak beli makeup nak cover parut))
sampai je kat mall masuk aeon dulu la, okeh survey produk muka,. tanya diorang apa yang elok, one did said yang consealler *apa apa jela ejaan dia* elok nak cover scar. tetiba kekna cakap, sal its too risky to cover up the scar with make up because you're exposing it to new infection. gulp. okey. terus cancel. but dalam hati ni ligat bermonolog nak beli produk apa.
eh penat lesu plak. nantila eh sambung