
Friday, February 27, 2015


Assalamualaikum and Hai everyone? How's life ? it is almost 2 weeks without any new entry from me. Eceh. hahahaha.. well last week is a mid semester break, so who need to do thing while you can just relax from the hectic world ;)

"meanwhile, the gold white dress or the blue and black dress is trending right now"

okey, i came out with this topic because there's unknown who have asked me about this. YEAH ! I admit that I love making friends from a completely stranger. Seriously, I don't even know why.

before, I was so addicted to online chatting such as omegle , and many more. all I need to do is just by clicking the search engine and type "online chatting " Naaa. it will give you definitely a lot of link to many kind of chatting room. UNFORTUNATELY , some people misused these kinds of community chatting. the chat room is no longer a safe place to enjoy talking with stranger.....

it is very dangerous when the unethical people keep confusing some naive people by asking their private information and start to scared them with some threat. some of them also use this kind of online chatting to lure other people. THIS IS DEFINITELY IS NOT A RIGHT THING TO DO !
some of the people are just being nice at first until they start to exchange their social website such as Skype, yahoo or etc.  and they are forcing the other party through sexual harassment.

have you watch the unfriended movie? I haven't watch it yet but it seems like the misused of technology ! Let me link you to the trailer...

scared enough right? I don't have any gut to watch this movie. HAHA.

this is one of the effect of misusing the social network and communicate with a stranger . Do you wanna deal with that ?

But , I don't really know. did you have any friends that you're so close too, I mean like you text every week, having a voice conversation but you haven't meet them in real world?
 I do, I have a couples of friend who I never meet them in my life.

since, this world had changed and we should not trust a stranger, I have decided to stop having any conversation with any people that I am very sure that I will not meet them in this world. maybe stranger from the other country, perhaps.

so, I just make a new stranger friend just from this country and maybe they have some mutual friends with me. safer right? who else wanna put themselves in danger right? and I don't want the friendship exist only in cyberspace . I wanna make them real as I could keep in touch with them forever and it's like,I can count on them and so do they.

So, what did I do in order to make the 'friendship' last?

Surely,I have some plan of meeting them in the future. I do plan to meet one of my new friend who study in Terengganu soon ! Yeahhh.. I'll update later maybe with some beautiful places to be visited in Terengganu kitooo oo na na na na na ganu kite eee

hahahaha.. okeyy till then. Adios !

p/s: Please do make friend sincerely because we do live in community and we need each other !

"you can count on me like 1 2 3, I'll be there and I know when I need it ,I can count on you like 4 3 2 and you'll be there cuz that's what friend are supposed to do oh yeah "- Bruno Mars

Ukhwahfillah abadan abada !

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello people!

How are you doing ? I'm so busy lately * lol joking* It just 2 quizzes that I must 'attended' and finally I'm here updating new entry without any worries. What a relief .... *dancing queen*

So, today I just would like to share my experiences during learning the computing subject *ICT*

Taking sciences course like dentistry making me wonder why it is a compulsory to add this subject in our schedule. yeah,it just a basic learning about computing.

Today, I think that Allah had finally answered my question.

You know that I feel like I was being downgraded to the oldest era like I know nothing about the current development of this machine ?
I guess you will feel the same thing like I do as we just use this kind of gadget like smartphone, computers, machines, printer and etc ,we usually use them for a basic work, for fun and just to have a social media *oh I'm talking to mirror*

I have a bad principle that I hold on for a really long period " Gadgets are just for fun"


I feel like I would like to have a new principle that I must learn about the computing world.
throughout the learning session,I've already learnt a lot of thing about the gadgets. I am totally amazed by this amazing products of human and can you imagine how powerful the creator of human? Allah Swt created us with the best performance compare to any other. For example, our brain which functioning all days and nights. Isn't it a great thing? By using the brain, engineer managed to create the computing technology which is a complex thing itself so can you imagine how greater our brain are?

My teacher teach us by using a book , "Computing Essential 2015" McGraw-Hill International Edition. the price is affordable and reasonable.

There are some benefits that you will gain when you learn more about the computing essential. In my point of view , I do learn a lot of new thing like how my devices should be treat like a queen *actually* . I just get the new knowledge and I was like lol I've never care about them but actually I should or in other word, it is a must to take a really good care of our devices.

Learning this subject make me feel like I can be smarter than everyone else as I can impress them with the little knowledge that I have whenever I go to the computer shop instead of just being a really great observer and know nothing at all. 
The only worst part of learning this subject is just the 'hardship' that you will face in order to memorize all the numbers and specific names of the components like omaigod that are too much .HAHA.

Dear reader, I am actually out of idea. I just wanna have a sharing momento right now. hahaha, but I'm not sure about who's gonna spend their time reading my blog. If you do have idea and you need me to elaborate them just leave it in the comment and let me know about it or if you're afraid of revealing your identity like HAHAHA  okey never mind i respect your privacy and you may leave something in the box of question from anonymous. hahaha feeling fabulous out of sudden. 

Okeyyy I am going to enjoy my mid semester break ! Adios . xoxo

P/s : don't forget to like the advertisements and do join my contest :)"GIVEAWAY CONTEST ! "

the current obsession T.T *someone help me*

Friday, February 6, 2015


Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant day people :). So how was your day? You're doing great ? did you? Me? I'll always doing just fine insyaaAllah

I would really love to help people with body odor outside there. So who's gonna continue reading this entry? Hmm..

tbh, there is a lot of people outside there are having this massive problem. some of them care about it unfortunately some of them are don't *disgusting* 
You know, instead of having a good face, having a good smell also will help you to deal with people around you. I admit I love people who have a really nice smell maybe he/she use CK perfumes or etc no matter what brand of perfume it is, I am so comfortable :)

So, I have asked again my little princesses*girl friends* on whatsapp about how do they manage to take care their own body from any smell. Luckily, none of us having this problem because we have taken the prevention yo "prevention is always better than cure"

this is how people usually wanna react when they're facing people who have body odor problem, but we don't do because it seems to be a rude person.
so we just keep our breath stop as long as we are able to do so* real story of mine *

Okey it's enough to describe how people actually trying to deal with those people.
You have any friends who are having this problem. just tag him/her. Wow, sounds rude but you have to.... just to change them into a better person.
without any hesitation anymore, I'll share you these amazing tips

  • use lime or tamarind
this is a useful tips from my ma actually, and one of my friends is using this 'secret recipes' as well and taraaa~ we are free from body odor, *suddenly my mood turns bad, I'm sorry people*
Usually, any chef will always use lime to wash their fishes, chickens during washing that raw material for any cuisines. wash them before cook helps to prevent the fishy smell that will make you wanna vomit when you would like to have your favorite food. The same things will react on us, lime will help you to reduce your body odor, I usually use lime during my shower at least once in a month but since you have the body odor problem, you should do it often, like once a week? Tamarind also is good for your body and skin actually, it will give you real freshness after you done your shower session. This two things are in my must-do list every month. besides, it will help me to reduce the body temperature as you will feel the cooling sensation when you wash your head with this two secret recipes.

  • drink a lot of plain water

Drink a lot of plain water, in biology we know that water is needed in our body to help the blood circulation and conduction in our body. Hence, by drinking a lot of plain water it will help you to eliminate the toxin inside your body and let's do it. The doctors also agreed that we as the normal human being need at least 8 glasses of plain water per day. you should drink more plain water and avoid sweet drink and carbonated drink especially.

  • avoid from eating :
my friends had listed me a few list of food that shouldn't be in your diet.I was amazed for the first time because mostly, they are my favorite dishes.
the listed diet are:

-meat *reduce the intake unless you are a regular customer of any exercises.*
-spicy food *it will produce more sweat and some unpleasant smell*
-onion//curry with a lot of spices
-(petai// jering// etc)

avoid them ! 

  • avoid sweet food
sweet food containing a lot of sugar and this is no good at all for you :( * so sad but true story*

you may click this ---->   :) for more detail. I can copy paste their entry but hahahahaha I found it is not proper at all , so I decided to just linked you with them 
  • brush teeth 
In my opinion, having a nice smile is a must. "nice smile" it doesn't mean that your teeth should be well arranged like after you just had your braces off *but myself was a braces girl before* 

having a really nice arrangement of teeth is just like additional features :P. No matter how your teeth looks alike, the most important thing is to keep them clean ! 
I could vomit if I meet any people who smile but there are lot of cavities on their teeth haha okey just a rude joke :P

Brush your teeth at least twice a day but I prefer five times a day because it make me feel fresher. Don't forget to floss your teeth at least three times per week. You might also use mouthwash for extra care. I don't know but I literally spend almost 10 to 15 minutes just to keep my teeth in a good condition. HAHA. since, I used to spend about 30 minutes when I was a girl with braces. It already became my habit.

  • scrub
Scrub doesn't mean that you need to spend your time to spa and let the unknown worker do some massage for or etc. "I won't, honestly ". scrubbing yourself sounds better. scrubbing help to remove death skin, make it little glowing and you will feel the freshness. 
Scrubbing will give you relaxing sensation. Its okay to pamper yourself :) , If you don't, who else will ?
  • deodorant 
usually, the most part of our body which produce sweat is our armpit. This is why they invented the deodorant I guess. But somehow some of us refuse to use this product because they said that these kind of products might give us side effect in future. Couldn't deny the statement. I was arguing with myself too about this product as it scared me okay.. 

If you don't prefer the deodorant, you must put something like talcum powder which absorb sweat at your armpit :P 
  • cleanliness 
EMGEEE !! I can't believe,, I have to admit that 'cleanliness' is a part of thing which will affect our body odor. to keep our surrounding clean especially our room is easy but I bet, everyone know the "STRUGGLE"

how the way you keep your clean clothes inside your wardrobe,  how you keep your laundry into basket, how often you change your bed sheet,. Its all about your surrounding. Hmm, I guess I shouldn't explain more because myself is worst -.-" I don't know how to keep the study table clean without anything on it.
  • perfume
It doesn't matter on what brand of perfume you use, the most important thing is how the smell is and how long it will last. For me I prefer "ck for her" awww that smell, sometime I choose over the male's perfume rather than sweet smell perfume for girl. hugo and dashing are my favorite perfume. 
'Guess seductive' also have a good smell and it last at least for the whole day and more. I just listed out some example, you might pick one according to your own opinion.
  • exercise 
It sounds like an easy task, but for me I don't think so, hahaha  honestly exercise will help you to reduce your body odor. Did you know that, when you have your exercise, your body will remove all the toxins which produce body odor through sweating. When your body sweat, the more the possibilities of your body to remove the toxins and make yourself feeling much better but be sure that you will take your shower to clean your body.
  • shower
This is a must, at least twice a day ! But the more the merrier. Don't forget to choose the right soap which give your skin some nutrient and keep us smell good.. Make sure, you take your shower at least for 10 minutes and more.. Keep clean...

Let call it a day, these tips might help us to reduce our body odor and make us feeling better. Someone who have a nice smell is always a turn on to everyone to start any relationship[friendship, or etc]
since I have some friend who have this problems, I feel like I would like to help them. maybe this is the way

So, you may share this entry with any people and you may leave your comment or your opinion below and let me know if these tips are working on you ! Maybe you may add some tips to this entry :)

Sorry for my broken English,  Seriously, I have lost the skills in writing essay with a good grammar. -.-"

Adios guys !