
Sunday, November 8, 2020

Time Management

Assalamualaikum, bismillah Alhamdulillah so harini, even weekend , i rasa so hentic, but i think it is blessed and contented with beneficial activities, i guess 🙂

So I'm literally busy since the morning tau, I duk play around with Mary Kay punya apps and I do have some menuntut ilmu session, but regardless today's classes, I definitely crave for more. 


I ada settlekan drawing today, as I said way earlier, I made the commission drawing. Alhamdulillah, it went very well. Spike. I think most of my income are made of from that, syukur 

And today I managed to do some skin analyzing, I mean my first time but kat orang, that person is my sister.. And she's very excited. After knowing that her point only deduced to 83 percents, despite of her age haha.. And how the apps actually help her to choose what or any suggestion, I'm not rigid tho, you can use whatever you want but please do take note on the ingredients, I'm into this pink business since I rasa maybe mudah banyak for me to buy my need, plus, hmm take rugi.. Kott sebab I still can use all the items 😄😂

Omaigod I just dropped the boom 💣  hahaha, if you feels like buying one, boleh pm me on telegram t.me/bellahns or dm me on IG @salsabila_hanis

Tapi I mean jadi lagi strict la i rasa, i should have 0 time wasted. Huhu fighting


a glimpse of what's happening,.

Hi Assalamualaikum, Bismillah Alhamdulillah


So I guess, I nak menulis balik, tak tahu lah ada orang still membaca blog lagi sebab dah ada vlog kan? Orang more to video kan. Tapi tak apa, I’m just here to write something regarding what’s happening in my life

Tahu tak, I sekarang tengah online learning kat rumah, nak life update ke? Hahaha I currently dah fifth year aka FINAL YEAR. Alhamdulillah, I made it guys ! I tak sangka my journey in dentistry for 7 years ni finally is on the last strive. Sikitttttttt je lagi.


Tapi InsyaaAllah kalau takda aral melintang. But yknow 2020 is a scam tsktsktsk

Too many things happened in a blink and PKPB again. Haritu dah 6 bulan, ni tambah 3 bulan, kesian at Doctors nak re-arrange our schedules.


Okey let put those things aside, I sebenarnya nak cerita pasal what did I DO sepanjang PKP

I rasa kan, I tried so many business, I start amek upah drawing illustrations, I jual cake, I jual other food, I masuk Shaklee, I masuk Mamasab.. Omaigod, how struggle I am


I sebenarnya suka duit, I suka spend, I macam excited gila if I dapat bagi my family happiness through material la senang cerita… I happy sangat bila I able tuk penuhkan craving diorang, weh best kot that feeling !

So yesterday, I did joined Mary Kay, so basically in the official term dia I ni Independent Beauty Consultant lah, So I tau I ni suka banyak produk, but I rasa worth trying? Plus, I just nak sibukkan diri with something beneficial for me, I hope you guys can stay tune!

let us begin the journey, bismillah

Might as well follow me on Instagram ?


Or twitter perhaps ?


Or my telegram channel




See? How I tried to sibukkan diri I, but I end up lepak dengan kuchink haish HAHAHA

